Department of Tractors and automobiles

Power plants of tractors and cars

The training laboratory "Energy installations of tractors and cars", which operates on the basis of the department of tractors and cars, is a key element of the educational process for students of the specialties 274 "Vehicle transport", 208 "Agroengineering", 133 "Industrial mechanical engineering", as well as for students courses "Tractor-machinist of agricultural production" upon obtaining categories A1 and A2. The laboratory is equipped with modern stands on which internal combustion engines are presented in section, which allows students to study their construction and principles of operation in detail. Visual material on the construction of units and systems of internal combustion engines is also presented.

In the laboratory, students and course participants study the theory of engines, their operational properties, issues of fuel efficiency, and the influence of various factors on the efficiency of power plants. Thanks to visual materials and stands, they have the opportunity to visually examine the internal structure and principles of operation of key elements of power plants.

Such practical classes help students to better understand the design and operational features of internal combustion engines, which is critical for their further professional activities in the fields of road transport, agricultural engineering and mechanical engineering. This ensures the training of highly qualified specialists who are able to effectively work with modern technology and solve complex technical tasks. 

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