- Головна
- Courses
- Academic Staff
- Cooperation
- Specialty 274 "Vehicle transport"
- Educational program
- Curriculum and disciplines
- Practical training
- Employment
- Evaluation of the quality of education
- Poll
- Trust box
- International scientific and practical conference AutoTRAK
- AutoTRAK - 2023
- AutoTRAK - 2023. Explore
- AutoTRAK - 2024
- Educational and scientific laboratory of tractors and cars
- Foreign tractors
- Trucks
- Renewable energy sources and electric cars
- Theories of tractors and cars
- Computer modeling
- Transmissions of tractors and cars
- Power plants of tractors and cars
- Nodes and aggregates of tractors and cars
- Diagnostics and intelligent systems
- Computer design
- Educational and scientific laboratory of bioenergy systems and fuel and lubricant materials
- Fuel and lubricant materials
- Practical training
Academic Staff
![]() | Head of department KALININ YEVHEN doctor of technical sciences, professor Education and degrees - Graduated from Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture (2007) with a degree in “Machinery and equipment of agricultural production” and postgraduate studies of KhNTUA (2011) - Candidate of Technical Sciences (2011) in specialty 05.11 “Machines and means of mechanization of agricultural production”. Dissertation topic: “Improving the efficiency of plowing on an agro background of high humidity”. - Doctor of Technical Sciences (2020) in specialty 22.20 “Operation and repair of vehicles”. Dissertation topic: “Formation of system properties of transport-technological units of variable mass”. Disciplines - Tractors and automobiles; - Basics of designing mobile power tools; - Operating properties of automobiles; - Theory of tractors and automobiles. Area of scientific interests - Operation of mobile machines and their performance indicators; - Dynamics of machines and systems; - Problems of strength and reliability of units of units of mobile machines. International activity / participation in international projects International scientific and pedagogical internship “Operation and maintenance of vehicles” at the Higher Technical School (Katowice, Republic of Poland). External rewards In 2019 he was awarded the Diploma of the first degree of the competition “Young Innovator of Kharkiv Region” and the Gratitude of the State Institution “Scientific and Methodological Center for Information and Analytical Support of Higher Education Institutions” Agroosvita “. He is a scholarship holder of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2007-2011, 2018-2020). In 2020 he was awarded the Gratitude of the Chairman of the Kharkiv Regional Council. In 2021 he was awarded the Gratitude of the Head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration In 2021 he was awarded the Thanks of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Scientific publications, patents, grants More than 200 works have been published, of which more than 170 are scientific and 30 are educational and methodical in nature; including 3 study guides; 5 Ukrainian utility model patents, 130 articles in professional publications. |
| Professor of the department STEPANOV OLEKSII doctor of technical sciences, professor Education and scientific degrees Disciplines - Tractors and automobiles; - Ergonomic system of vehicles; - Traffic rules. Area of scientific interests - Operation of mobile machines and their performance indicators; - Ergonomics and transport psychophysiology; - Automobiles; - Intelligent transport systems. International activity / participation in international projects - Internship in the "Academic Integrity" course at the Higher Theological Seminary of the Catholic Apostolic Society (IIASC, Warsaw, Poland); - Member of the Ukrainian section of the International Police Association (Kharkiv branch); - Member of the Scientific Public Organization "International Scientific Center for the Development of Science and Technology". External rewards In 2017, he was awarded the medal "For dignity and patriotism"; In 2018, he was awarded the Diploma of the First Class "Young Innovator of the Kharkiv Region"; In 2019, he was awarded the Order of the Ukrainian Section of the International Police Association "For Loyalty to the Cause"; In 2020, he was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Khnadu; In 2021, he was awarded with the Gratitude of the Kharkiv City Mayor; In 2023, he was awarded the "For a Good Deed" medal. Scientific publications, patents, grants More than 100 scientific works have been published, of which 30 were published in the EU countries, 15 works of an educational and methodological nature, 1 study guide, 7 scientific monographs, 9 patents of Ukraine for a useful model. |
| Associate professor of the department KOLIESNIK IVAN candidate of technical sciencesEducation and degrees - Graduated from Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture with a degree in "Agricultural Mechanization" (2011) and post-graduate studies at KHNTUSG (2014) - Candidate of Technical Sciences (2018) with the specialty 05.22.20 "Operation and repair of means of transport". Dissertation topic: "Increasing the effectiveness of monitoring the technical condition of tractor steering during transport operations". Disciplines - Tractors and automobiles; - Fundamentals of designing mobile power tools. Area of scientific interests - Operation of mobile machines and their performance indicators; - Dynamics of machines and systems. International activity / participation in international projects International scientific and pedagogical internship "Operation and maintenance of the vehicles" at the Higher Technical School (Katowice, Republic of Poland). Scientific publications, patents, grants He is the author of more than 40 scientific works, 4 of which were published in EU countries, 2 patents of Ukraine for a utility model. |
Associate professor of the department ROMANCHENKO VOLODYMYR candidate of technical sciences, associate professorEducation and degrees - Graduated from the Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture with a degree in "Machines and equipment for agricultural production" (2007) and post-graduate studies at the KHNTUSG (2003) - Candidate of Technical Sciences (2008) on the specialty 05.05.11 "Machines and means of mechanization of agricultural production". Dissertation topic: "Justification of the process parameters and development of the mechanism of copying of the wheat harvester". Disciplines - Computer diagnostics of tractors and automobiles; - Tractors and automobiles; - Operation of vehicles. Area of scientific interests - Operation of mobile machines and their performance indicators; - Dynamics of machines and systems. Scientific publications, patents, grants He is the author of more than 30 scientific works, 2 of which were published in EU countries. |
| Associate professor of the department AZUTOV VOLODYMYR candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Education and scientific degrees Disciplines - Designing of road transport facilities. Area of scientific interests - Reinforced concrete structures; - Design and operation of industrial buildings and structures. |
ORCID ID Scopus Web of Science Google Academy | Associate professor of the department HLADCHUK YEVHEN candidate of technical sciences, associate professor- Graduated from the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute with a degree in "Technology of mechanical engineering, metal cutting machines and tools" (1985) and postgraduate studies (1989) at the DPI. - Candidate of Technical Sciences (1992) with specialties 05.16.05 "Pressure processing of metals" and 05.03.05 "Pressure metal processing machines and processes". Dissertation topic "Optimization of parameters of hot rolling of strips in non-stationary rolling modes". Disciplines - Basics of designing mobile power tools. - Automation of technological processes in technical systems of variable composition. - Standardization of heavy technological equipment. Scientific publications, patents, grants The author of 1 author's certificate of the USSR, 3 positive decisions for obtaining a patent, 120 scientific publications, of which 1 was published in the Australian Union and 3 in the EU, 1 monograph, 1 textbook and 3 training manuals with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine, 1 TU of Ukraine. |
Associate professor of the department PAVLENKO MAKSYM candidate of technical sciences, associate professor- Graduated from the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine with a major in "Ecobiotechnology" (2009) and postgraduate studies at the NUBiP of Ukraine (2013) - Candidate of Technical Sciences (2015) on the specialty 05.05.11 "Machines and means of mechanization of agricultural production". Dissertation topic: "Justification of the parameters of the hydromechanical mixer for the production of diesel biofuel." Disciplines - Machinery and equipment for biotechnology; - Tractors and automobiles. - Operation of tractors and their performance indicators; - Technologies for implementing MTU in the modern agricultural sector; - Testing of modern technical solutions in agricultural production. Scientific publications, patents, grants Author of more than 90 scientific works, 5 of which were published in EU countries. |
Assistant of the department KOLIESNIK YULIANA Education and degrees - Graduated from Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko (2013) with a degree in "Machines and equipment for agricultural production". Disciplines - Tractors and cars; - Fundamentals of the design of mobile power tools. Area of scientific interests - Operation and repair of means of transport; - Operating properties of mobile machines; - Ergonomics and design of vehicles. Scientific publications, patents, grants More than 40 printed scientific works have been published, including 4 methodological recommendations, 3 scientific articles, and 40 abstracts of reports at conferences. |
Head of laboratories of the department KOSTIUK STANISLAV Education and degrees - Graduated from the State Biotechnological University (2021) with a degree in "Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics". Area of scientific interests - Microprocessor systems; - Ecology, recycling and disposal of motor vehicles; - Computer systems in transport. |
Master of industrial training of the department LEMISHKO DARIA Education and degrees - Graduated from the State Biotechnological University (2022) with a degree in "Agroengineering". Area of scientific interests - Environmental and transport problems; - Greening of agricultural production and neutralization of toxic emissions. |
Master of industrial training of the department KULIBABA NATALIIA Education and degrees - Graduated from the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Dragomanov (2001) with a degree in Biology and Chemistry. - Fuel and lubricant oils; - Quality of consumables. |
Master of industrial training of the department YEVCHENKO LIUDMYLA Education and degrees - Graduated from Kyiv State University named after Shevchenko (now Kyiv National University named after Shevchenko) with a degree in "Applied Mathematics". Area of scientific interests - Computer technologies and computing systems. External rewards She was awarded the Certificate of Honor from the head of the Holosiiv district of Kyiv. |