- Головна
- Courses
- Academic Staff
- Cooperation
- Specialty 274 "Vehicle transport"
- Educational program
- Curriculum and disciplines
- Practical training
- Employment
- Evaluation of the quality of education
- Poll
- Trust box
- International scientific and practical conference AutoTRAK
- AutoTRAK - 2023
- AutoTRAK - 2023. Explore
- AutoTRAK - 2024
- Educational and scientific laboratory of tractors and cars
- Foreign tractors
- Trucks
- Renewable energy sources and electric cars
- Theories of tractors and cars
- Computer modeling
- Transmissions of tractors and cars
- Power plants of tractors and cars
- Nodes and aggregates of tractors and cars
- Diagnostics and intelligent systems
- Computer design
- Educational and scientific laboratory of bioenergy systems and fuel and lubricant materials
- Fuel and lubricant materials
- Practical training

Адреса: Heroyiv Oborony str., 12, studying building № 11, rooms 341, Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine
Тел.: (044) 527-88-95
Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Head of the Department:
Kalinin Yevhen
Doctor of technical sciences, professor
Кафедра була створена в 1929 році відразу після заснування інституту в новому приміщенні в Голосіїві.
Від початку заснування до сьогодні кафедра неодноразово змінювала назву, але незмінним залишався науковий напрямок діяльності кафедри.
З 2020 року кафедру очолює к.т.н., доцент Чуба В.В.
За час існування кафедри її професорсько-викладацький склад підготував 7 докторів і 28 кандидатів технічних наук, отримав понад 90 авторських свідоцтв і патентів на винаходи і корисні моделі, опублікував 20 монографій і понад 500 наукових праць.
The main fields of scientific development at the department are:
– the study of effective and ecological indicators of internal combustion en-gines' work and optimization the parameters of engines' work by disconnection cylinders;
– optimization of parameters, modes and stability of MTU movement when performing technological operations in agricultural production;
– mechanical and technological justification for reducing harmful effects of running power tools and machines in field soil;
– technological processes and technical means for the use of renewable en-ergy sources in agriculture;
– development of methods of efficient vegetable oil fuel use for powering internal combustion engines;
– mechanical and technological bases of resource-saving production and use of biofuels in energy autonomous agroecosystems.