Department of Management and Educational Technology

Адреса: 15 Heroyiv Oborony str., educational building 3, room 02 & 04, Kyiv, 03040, Ukraine

Тел.: (044) 527-83-56

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Head of the Department:
Serhii Kubitskiy



The Department of Management and Educational Technology invites to study:

"Management of educational institution" program

"HR Management" program

The Department of Management and Educational Technology originates from the teaching methodology department, created by the decision of the Academic Council of the National Agrarian University (nowadays National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine) in May 14, 1994. Today the department prepares professionals in the specialties of "Management of educational institution" and "HR Management". Main direction of department is educational, methodological and scientific work.

The first head of department was Professor Oliynyk P.M. At various times the department was headed by such professionals as Sydorenko V.K. the corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine; Associate Professor Snisarenko O.S.; Ph.D., Professor Ishchenko T.D.; also Doctors of Pedagogical Sciences, Professors Zaichenko I.V., Priohodiy M.A., and Kovalchuk V.I. Since July 2018, the head of the department is Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Kubitsky Serhii Olegovych.

Nowadays the staff of the department includes Professors Hrechanyk N.I., Shumilova I.F., Balanovska T.I. and Associate Professors Bazeliuk V.H., Bilan L.L., Rudyk Ya.M., Mykhniuk S.V.

The staff of the department: from the left to the right - Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences,
Associate Professor Bazeluk V.H., Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor Rudyk Ya.M.,
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor Bilan L.L., Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences,
Professor Hrechanyk N.I., Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor Kubitsky S.O.
(the Head of the Department), Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor Shumilova I.F.,
Senior laboratory assistant Bokiy L.M., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor Balanovska T.I.,
assistant Mykhnyuk S.V.

Strategic directions of the development of the Department of Management and Educational Technology

"Innovative methods of providing educational process in agrarian universities by means of information and communication technologies" and "Theoretical and methodical principles of forming professional competence of agrarian specialists" are the main directions of the department at the current stage of development.

The department fruitfully cooperates with higher educational institutions of Ukraine, in particular the National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanov, Kyiv Professional Pedagogical College named after A. Makarenko, government establishment "Agroosvita", institutions of vocational education of Kyiv, and with many others.


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