Department of Animal and Food Hygiene named after Professor A.K. Skorokhodko

Адреса: 03041, Kyiv, Vystavkova str. 16, building №12, office №405 block «Г»

Тел.: +380983105088; +380663834813

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Head of department:
Vyacheslav V. Solomon

Head of the department, PhD in Veterinary Sciences, associate professor


100th anniversary of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of NULES of Ukraine

Department of Veterinary Hygiene named after Professor A.K. Skorokhodko of NULES of Ukraine is a highly recognized in Ukraine and abroad scientific-educational-methodical center for training specialists in hygiene and sanitation in the field of "Veterinary Medicine", preparation of highly qualified scientific staff, and solving problems of modern hygienic science and practice.
We invite graduates of secondary schools and colleges to enter the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in the specialty 212 "Veterinary Hygiene, Sanitation and Expertise". Department of Veterinary Hygiene named after Professor A.K. Skorokhodko invites graduates of the faculties of veterinary medicine of the universities of Ukraine to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on full-time, part-time and distance learning basis.

The Department of Zoohygiene was founded in 1922 by Professor, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Founder of Zoohygienic Science and Practice, the first Dean of the Veterinary Faculty within the Kyiv Veterinary and Zootechnical Institute Anton Kalenikovych Skorokhodko.
A significant contribution to the formation and development of the department during its long existence was made by former heads: professor A.K. Skorokhodko, professor B.Kh. Medvedev, Professor M.S. Borsch, professor O.G. Timchenko, associate professor K.O. Levitsky, associate professor M.P. Zhovanik, associate professor K.S. Yermolaeva, associate professor V.P. Mazurenko, as well as research and teaching staff, professor V.A. Burlaka, associate professors O.L. Bedrata, G.F. Odoshkina, L.V. Sovenko, V.V. Krasiy, V.S. Gumeniuk, V.O. Shtaltovny, P.А. Orobchenko, L.V. Chepil, senior laboratory assistants R.M. Pukhovych, O.O. Maliuta. The Department of Zoohygiene has been reorganized several times, and the current name (Department of Veterinary Hygiene named after Professor A.K. Skorokhodko) was given in 2020.

Today, the Department of Veterinary Hygiene named after prof. A.K. Skorokhodko, which is a structural unit of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of NULES of Ukraine, is headed by Vyacheslav Solomon – associate Professor, PhD in Veterinary Sciences. Solomon Viacheslav is a specialist in the prevention of animal diseases, problems with the use of disinfectants in livestock enterprises and veterinary facilities.
The department employs well-known scientists, highly qualified teachers who solve complex scientific and production problems to ensure the health of productive and domestic animals and poultry, animal disease prevention, quality and safety of livestock products.
Among them are:
Professor, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences Zasekin Dmytro - Director of the Research Institute of Animal Health, a well-known scientist in the production of livestock products in areas contaminated with heavy metals, as well as the development and use of modern disinfectants, nutraceuticals in organic poultry production.
Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Corresponding Member of NAAS of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine Zakharenko Mykola - a specialist in the development and implementation of modern methods of treatment and processing of manure, manure effluents and bird droppings from livestock production enterprises.
Professor, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences Yakubchak Olga has practical experience in implementing international and European standards in the national system of food safety standards, she is an expert and consultant of national institutions (member of the technical commission 93/3 "Food Safety Control", National Codex Alimentarius Commission of Ukraine (2006-2015), food safety specialist in accordance with HACCP, guarantor of the educational program "Veterinary Hygiene, Sanitation and Expertise", Erasmus + project leader of Jeanne Monnet "Food Safety Control in the EU" academic module (587548-ERR- 1-UA-EPPJMO_MODULE).
Professor, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences Tkachuk Svitlana is a specialist in the hygiene of pigs and poultry, natural honey and their expert evaluation. She is an expert of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance.
Professor, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences Shevtchenko Larysa is a well-known scientist on the problems of using carotenoids of microbial origin in the production of functional foods.
Associate Professor, PhD in Veterinary Sciences Kosyanchuk Nina is a specialist in the impact of livestock enterprises and veterinary facilities on the environment.
Associate Professor, PhD in Veterinary Sciences Polyakovskiy Vasyl is a specialist in the problems of keeping cattle, including lactating cows, in modern dairy complexes.
Associate Professor, PhD in Veterinary Sciences Taran Tetiana is a specialist in meat hygiene and food production technology.
Associate Professor, PhD in Veterinary Sciences Mykhalska Vita is a specialist in the production and use of chelated compounds of trace elements in poultry.
Associate Professor, PhD in Biological Sciences Galaburda Mariia studies approaches to the risk analysis and assessment of food hazards; takes part in European educational programs and international research program (NATO CLG (SA LST.GLG977291), Dutch-Ukrainian project Infomoloko, has experience in inspecting food production enterprises for METRO at Bureu Veritas, and coordinating the European educational project Erasmus + Module Jean Monnet "Control food safety in the EU ”(587548-ERR-1-UA-EPPJMO_MODULE).
Assistant professor, PhD in Veterinary Sciences Dymko Roman is a specialist in veterinary sanitation, in particular, in veterinary disinfection.
Assistant professor, PhD in Veterinary Sciences Hryb Yuliia is a specialist in milk and dairy products hygiene.
The teaching staff of the department takes an active part in training specialists at Bachelor, Master and Doctor of Philosophy level of the specialties 211 "Veterinary Medicine", 212 "Veterinary Hygiene, Sanitation and Expertise", 181 "Food Technology and Engineering" and 192 "Construction and Civil Engineering».

The recent main scientific achievements of the staff of the department are:

  •  establishing the mechanism of neonatal diarrhea in calves and developing methods for its treatment and prevention;
  •  development and introduction of new preventive measures in the production of livestock products in areas contaminated with heavy metals;
  •  creation of new sources of carotenoids and development of ways to use them in the production of livestock products and functional foods;
  •  creation of a new generation of microelement sources - chelated compounds and development on their basis of mineral premixes for animals;
  •  creation of new disinfectants and development of methods of their application in the practice of veterinary medicine;
  •  optimization of loose-boxed maintenance of lactating cows on modern dairy complexes under the influence of climatic factors;
  •  condition and sanitary and hygienic assessment of water supply of dairy cattle breeding in Ukraine;
  •  development and testing of preventive drugs for organic livestock.

Throughout existence of the department it was prepared:

  •  5 Doctors and 21 PhD in sciences;
  •  15 industry standards of higher education;
  •  28 programs of academic disciplines;
  •  19 monographs, about 780 scientific articles;
  •  310 scientific reports at conferences;
  •  32 scientific and practical recommendations;
  •  9 new sources of microelements, 2 new mineral premixes, 3 new disinfectants, 3 new strains of microorganisms-producers of carotenoids;
  •  103 patents for utility models and copyright certificates were obtained;
  •  2 technological schemes of animal waste processing were developed;
  •  8 textbooks, 35 manuals, 3 dictionaries, 1 workshop, 12 methodological developments, 4 workbooks were published.

The department has modern equipment and appropriate material and technical base for laboratory classes. There is a research and production laboratory "Environmental and sanitary-hygienic monitoring of agricultural enterprises". Department staff actively cooperates with a number of existing enterprises, research institutes and production laboratories.

Offers for business and production sites

If you are worried about production problems and lack of experience, highly qualified professionals will help you to solve the following issues:

  •  Assess the quality and safety of water from various water sources (wells, artesian wells, natural reservoirs, wastewater, etc.) with an opinion on the possibility of its use or application of the necessary treatment methods;
  •  Assess the quality and safety of the soil when choosing a site for the construction of housing and livestock enterprises;
  •  Assess emissions of air pollutants (gases, microorganisms, dust) from the production activities of livestock enterprises (dairy complexes, pig farms, poultry farms, stables, etc.) and their impact on the environment with the issuance of an appropriate opinion;
  •  To solve the problem of heat stress prevention, to develop and adjust feeding rations and the need of animals for water, to optimize the ways of watering cows, to optimize the ways of keeping cows on modern dairy complexes;
  •  Provide advice and help for introduction of modern (including organic) methods of producing functional foods with high dietary and anti-stress properties (broiler meat, table eggs);
  •  Develop a plan and carry out disinfection at livestock enterprises;
  •  To prepare Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Science (DS) through postgraduate and doctoral studies on a commercial basis.

We invite you to cooperate!


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