Department of Vegetable Crops

Educational work

Vegetable Department is issuing on Agrobiological faculty and annually gives a start in life 40-50 bachelors and 10 masters. Teaching staff of Department conducts classes on the faculties of Plant Protection and Department of Agrobiological for students EQL "Bachelor" with the following subjects: - Vegetable open ground - Breeding vegetable crops; - Seeds of vegetables - potatoes, for OCD "Master" of subjects: - World agricultural technologies in horticulture - Cultivar vegetables - Special breeding and seed vegetables; Department prepares masters degree in 8.130103 "Horticulture and viticulture" two master programs, which provide the discipline: for Research direction - "Research and innovation work in the vegetable open ground "," Testing of vegetables and melons, "" organic vegetable production ", for a production orientation -" Selection of varieties and heterotic hybrids "," Programming and forecasting crop of vegetables "," Post-harvest preparation of vegetables. " Material base and highly qualified teaching staff to carry out the educational process and scientific research on high standards. Laboratory studies conducted in specialized laboratories and clearly visible material, workshops and seminars - the collection sites NDP "Fruit Garden". The head of the educational laboratory since 1999 working EA Leontief In 2006, the laboratory of the technology of growing vegetables and their seeds "Vegetables" in the OP NUBiP Ukraine "Agronomicheskaya Research Station" on the research fields which students have practical training (Head of Laboratory - art. Teacher Fedosiy IO).

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