Employees of the Department

Associate Professor, Cand. Sc. Biology
Klyachenko Oksana Leonidivna

Phone: 527-86-08

E-mail: [email protected]

Higher education: Ukrainian Academy of Agriculture specialty - engineer forestry.
Subject of dissertation: " Testing of Beet necrotic  yellow vein virus by nucleic acids molecular hybridization method»,All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, RAAS, specialty 03.00.20 - Biotechnology, 1994.
Followersofscientificschool: Kolomiets J.V.
Subjects: Disciplines for the “Bachelor” educational and qualification level:
1. Biotechnology in agrosphere - 6.040106 "Ecology, Environmental Protection and balanced natural resource management”;
2.Вiotechnology – 6.090101 «Agronomy»;
Disciplines for the “Master” educational and qualification level:
1. Micropropagation - 8.05140105 «Environmental biotechnology and bioenergetic”;
2. Technology in vitro - 8.05140104 «Аgrobiotechnology”;
3. Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology – 8.130108 «Breeding and genetics of agricultural crops»;
4. Genetic Engineering - 8.05140105 «Environmental biotechnology and bioenergetic”;
5. Modern biotechnology and biosafety – 8.070801 «Ecology and Environmental Protection»;
6. Biotechnology: Basic and applied - 8.05140105 «Environmental biotechnology and bioenergetic»;
7. Biotechnology in crop husbandry - 8.130102 «Agronomy».
Collaboration: Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics NASU, National Academy of Sciences Institute of bioenergy crops and sugar beet NAAS of Ukraine, National Nikitsky Botanical Garden of NAAS of Ukraine.
Advanced training: Biotechnology, physiological and biochemical studies of selection efficiency of industrial crops 

Associate Professor, Cand. Sc. Biology.
Kolomiets Yuliya Vasilivna

Phone: 527-86-08

E-mail: [email protected]

Higher Education: Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University,  specialization-  Microbiology and Virology", 2001.
Subject of dissertation: "
Metabolites of bacteria Pseudomonas genus as the selective factor of resistance of sugar beet to bacterial diseases" in the specialty 03.00.20 - "Biotechnology", 2006.
Subjects: Disciplines for the “Bachelor” educational and qualification level
1. General Biotechnology - 6.051401 «Biotechnology»;
2. Bioengineering - 6.051401 «Biotechnology»;
3. Molecular Biology Basics -6.051401 «Biotechnology»
Collaboration: Zabolotniy D.K. Institute of Microbiology and Virology NASU
Advanced training: study of bacteria metabolites influence on obtaining resistant plant- regenerates to pathogens of  bacterioses after cell selection in vitro.

Associate Professor, Cand. Sc. Biology
Boroday Vira Vitaliyevna

Phone: 527-85-17

E-mail: [email protected]

Higher education: M.P. Dragomanov Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, specialty – “Biology – Chemistry” diploma with distinction.
Subject of dissertation: " Rots of carrot and resistance to them during the storage recognized and promising  varieties in the right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine", specialty 06.00.11 - Phytopathology, 2000.
Subjects: Disciplines for the “Bachelor” educational and qualification level
Regulatory supplying  of biotechnological manufactures. Specialty 6.051401 – Biotechnology;
2. Industrial biotechnology - 6.051401 « Biotechnology»;
2. Plant biotechnology basis. Direction 6.090103 – Forest and landscape management
Disciplines for the “Master” educational and qualification level
1. Cell selection for resistance. Specialty 8.05.140105 – Ecological biotechnology and bioenergetics 
Colaboration: D.K. Zabolotniy institute of microbiology and virusology NAS Ukraine, Phytopatogenic bacterias department, Potato farming institute NAAS Ukraine, Plants defense institute NAAS Ukraine, Microbiological method of plants defense lab
Advanced training: biotechnological aspects of formation, storability of plant products using microbial preparations.

Acting Associate Professor, Cand. Sc. Biology.
Lihanov Arthur Fedorovuch

Phone: 527-84-29

E-mail: [email protected]

Higher Education: Donetsk State University, specialty – “Biology”, 1998
Subject of dissertation: “Anomalous variability of plants under conditions of technogenic ecosystems of Donbass”, Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University,  specialty 03.00.16 – Ecology, 2004.
Subjects: Disciplines for the “Bachelor” educational and qualification level
1. Ecobiotechnology. Specialty 6.051401 – Biotechnology.
2. Basic consepts of Biodiversity - 6.051401 « Biotechnology»;
3. Instrumental methods of analysis - 6.051401 «Biotechnology»;
Disciplines for the “Master” educational and qualification level
1. Environmental biotechnology. Specialty 8.05.140105 - Environmental biotechnology and bioenergetics.


Colaboration: Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg, Botany Department, M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of NAS of Ukraine
Advanced training: Scientific interests, which are related with reproductive biology, plants in vivo and in vitro growth and development, research of synecologycal organisms interaction mechanisms of natural ecosystems.

Krylovska Svitlana Anatoliyivna

Phone: 527-84-29

E-mail: [email protected]

Higher Education: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, MS (Biotechnology),
“Obtaining of sterility-fixing lines in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) with usage of biotechnological methods”, specialty – “Ecobiotechnology”, 2010
Subjects: Disciplines for the “Bachelor”educational and qualification level
1. Bioengineering. Specialty 6.051401 – Biotechnology
2. General biotechnology. Specialty 6.051401 – Biotechnology
3. Environmental biotechnologies. Specialty 6.040106 - Ecology, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources.
Collaboration: Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics NASU, National Academy of Sciences Institute of bioenergy crops and sugar beet NAAS of Ukraine.
Advanced training: Sugar beet gene pool for the selection of drought-resistant material invitro 

Postoenko Helena Michailovna

Phone: 527-84-29

Higher Education: Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, specialization - 03.00.06-Virology, 1994.
Subjects: Disciplines for the “Bachelor”educational and qualification level
Basic consepts of Biodiversity – 6.051401 « Biotechnology»;
Introduction to the profession. Specialty 6.501401 – Biotechnology.
Disciplines for the “Master” educational and qualification level
Methodology and technical support environmental research – . Specialty 8.05.140105 - Environmental biotechnology and bioenergetics.
Collaboration: State Scientific Control Institute of Biotechnology and microbial strains
Advanced training: Mechanisms for the plants protection against viral infections, the influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the course of viral infections in plants.
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