Employees of department

Head of the Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor
Volodymyr P. Vasyliv

Phone: (+38044) 527-87-69

E-mail: [email protected]

Education: Ukrainian State University of Food Technologies (1998), specialty “Food Industry Equipment”. Candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.18.12 – "Processes and equipment of food, microbiological and pharmaceutical industries" since 2005.
Scientific direction: intensification of processing the food raw materials and semi-finished products by electrophysical methods.
The author of more than 200 scientific works, including 110 articles in professional journals, more than 50 articles published in domestic and international peer-reviewed professional issues included in the scientific metrics databases: Journal Citation Reports, SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), Google Scholar, Index Copernicus and AGRIS (19 articles in journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science) , 6 textbooks, 5 monographs, 15 educational and methodological publications, 11 patents of Ukraine for useful models.
Citation indexes:

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Ihor P. Palamarchuk

Phone: (+38044) 527-87-69

E-mail: [email protected]

 Education: Vinnytsia Polytechnic Institute (1984), specialty "Automobiles and automotive industry". Candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.02.03 – “Drive Systems” since 1995, Candidate's thesis topic: "Investigation the dynamics of mechanical drives and the technological possibilities of a conveyor vibrating machine".

Doctor of technical sciences in specialty 05.18.12 – "Processes and equipment of food, microbiological and pharmaceutical industries" since 2008, Doctoral thesis topic: "Scientific and technical foundations of the development the energy-saving mechanical vibration drives for food and processing machines".
Professor of the Department of Processes and Equipment for Processing and Food Industries since 2010.
Ihor Palamarchuk has numerous awards for achievements in educational, methodological, scientific and pedagogical activities: the "Excellence of Education of Ukraine" sign, honorary diplomas and certificates from the Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Vinnytsia Regional State Administration, Vinnytsia territorial branch of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Scientific direction: design and development of mechanical and heat-mass exchange processes and equipment of processing and food industries with vibromechanical intensification of raw material processing.
The author of more than 500 scientific works, including 250 publications in professional jounals, 150 articles published in domestic and international peer-reviewed professional issues included in scientometric databases: Journal Citation Reports, SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), Google Scholar, Index Copernicus and AGRIS (13 articles in journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science), 4 textbooks, 15 training manuals, 10 monographs, more than 50 patents of Ukraine for useful models and inventions.
Citation indexes:

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor
Viktor V. Sarana

Phone: (+38044) 527-87-69

E-mail: [email protected]

Education: Poltava State Agricultural Institute (2001). Candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.05.11 – “Machines and Means of Mechanization of Agricultural Production” since 2007.
Teaches at the faculties: Food Technologies and Quality Management of Agricultural Products; Mechanical and Technological.
Scientific direction: machines and equipment parameters optimization for agricultural products processing; resource-saving technologies and renewable energy sources in processing industries.
The author of more than 100 scientific works, including 20 articles in professional journals, more than 15 articles published in domestic and international peer-reviewed professional issues included in scientometrics databases: Journal Citation Reports, SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), Google Scholar, Index Copernicus and AGRIS ( 3 articles in journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science ), 6 textbooks, 4 monographs, 15 educational and methodological publications, 1 patent of Ukraine for an invention .
Citation indexes:

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor
Maria M. Zheplinska

Phone: (+38044) 527-87-69

E-mail: [email protected]

 Education: Kyiv Technological Institute of the Food Industry (1993), specialty "Technology of Sugary Substances", a technological engineer. Candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.18.05 – “Technology of Sugary Substances” since 1998. The Candidate thesis topic: "Development of the Effective Method of Purification of Diffusion Juice with a Reduction in Lime Consumption".

Teaches at the Faculty of Food Technologies and Quality Management of Agricultural Products.
Scientific direction: studying the processes of cleaning juices of sugar and canneries and developing new technologies and equipment.
The author of more than 300 scientific works, including 52 articles in professional journals, more than 90 articles published in domestic and international peer-reviewed professional issues included in scientometric databases: Journal Citation Reports, SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), Google Scholar, Index Copernicus and AGRIS ( 11 articles in journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science ), one textbook, 3 study guides, one reference book, 6 monographs, 27 educational and methodological publications, 27 patents of Ukraine for useful models and inventions. 
Citation indexes:

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor
Mykhailo M. Mushtruk

Phone: (+38044) 527-87-69

E-mail: [email protected]

Education: National Agricultural University, Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization (2009, diploma with honours), and postgraduate study (2013). Candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.18.12 – "Processes and equipment of food, microbiological and pharmaceutical industries" since 2014. The Candidate thesis topic: "Justification of the characteristics of equipment for the production of liquid biofuel from technical animal fats".
Teaches at the faculties: Food Technologies and Quality Management of Agricultural Products; Plant Protection, Biotechnology and Ecology.
Scientific direction:  increasing the efficiency of the processing of vegetable and animal fats into biofuel.
The author of more than 400 scientific works, including 150 articles in professional journals, more than 100 articles published in domestic and international peer-reviewed professional issues included in scientometric databases: Journal Citation Reports, SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), Google Scholar, Index Copernicus and AGRIS ( 34 articles in journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science ), 5 textbooks, 10 monographs, 15 educational and methodological publications, 107 patents of Ukraine for useful models.

Citation indexes:





Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor
Zinaida A. Burova

Phone: (+38044) 527-87-69

E-mail: [email protected]

 Education: Ukrainian State University of Food Technologies (1998), specialty “Food Industry Equipment”. Candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.11.04 – «Devices and Methods for Thermal Quantities Measuring» since 2014.

Winner the prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for young scientists (2010)
Teaches at the faculties: Food Technologies and Quality Management of Agricultural Products; Plant Protection, Biotechnology and Ecology.
Scientific direction: research the thermophysical characteristics of new substances and materials; energy saving and energy efficiency.
The author of more than 150 scientific and educational-methodical works, including 25 articles in professional journals, more than 40 articles in journals included in scientometric databases: Journal Citation Reports, SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), Google Scholar, Index Copernicus and AGRIS (6 articles in journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science), 5 monographs and 2 patents of Ukraine for inventions.
Citation indexes:

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor
Maksym M. Gudzenko

Phone: (+38044) 527-87-69

E-mail: [email protected]

Education: National Agricultural University, Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization (2004), and postgraduate study (2008). Candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.18.12 – "Processes and equipment of food, microbiological and pharmaceutical industries" since 2019.
Scientific direction: research and optimization of machine technologies for the processing of oil crops for food and technical purposes.
The author of more than 130 scientific works, including 30 publications in professional journals, 15 articles in journals included in scientometric databases: Journal Citation Reports, SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), Google Scholar, Index Copernicus and AGRIS (6 articles in journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science), 5 educational and methodological publications, 1 patent for an invention of Ukraine and 1 patent for a utility model.
Citation indexes:

Head of Laboratories
Lyudmila I. Ilyakova

Phone: (+38044) 527-87-69

 Education: National Agricultural University, Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization (1997) and Professional Education Department (2005).

Speciality: mechanicalengineer and engineer-pedagogue.

Master of Industrial Training
Nataliya M. Pchelinova

Phone: (+38044) 527-87-69

 Education: National Agricultural University, Faculty of Agricultural Management.

Speciality: manager-economist.

Master of Industrial Training
Stanislav V. Slyva

Phone: (+38044) 527-87-69

 Education: National University of Food Technologies (2008).

Speciality: mechanical engineer.



Master of Industrial Training
Nataliya M. Mushtruk

Phone: (+38044) 527-87-69

 Education: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (2018).
Speciality: mechanical engineer

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