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Educational programs
The OPP project "Physical culture and sport" 2023 for OS Bachelor
Proposals regarding the FKiS OPP project should be sent to the address [email protected] or to contact persons: the head of the physical education department Mykola Petrovych Kostenko (0673063080, [email protected]), the guarantor of the program Brynzak Sava Savovych (0678386415, sava082 @ukr.net)
Results of consideration of proposals for the OPP project "Physical culture and sport" OS Bachelor
Educational programs and curricula
Educational and professional program "Physical culture and sports" OS Bachelor of 2020
Curriculum "Physical culture and sports" OS Bachelor of 2020
Educational and professional program "Physical culture and sport" OS Bachelor of 2021
Curriculum "Physical culture and sports" OS Bachelor of 2021
Educational and professional program "Physical culture and sports" OS Bachelor of 2022
Curriculum "Physical culture and sports" OS Bachelor of 2022
Reviews of the educational and professional program "Physical culture and sport"