History of the department
The date of establishment of the Department of Physical Education of the National University of Nature Management of Ukraine is considered to be June 11, 1938, when by a joint decision of the committees for higher education and physical culture and sports of the USSR, departments of agriculture, forestry, and veterinary were founded in three educational institutions located in the Holosiiv district of Kyiv. physical education. At the veterinary institute, the department of physical education was headed by Zhuravel Vasyl Makarovych, at the agricultural institute - Viktor Vasyliovych Zaika, at the forestry institute - M.M. Makarin. As a result of the merger of two of these Kyiv agricultural and forestry institutes in 1954, the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy (USGA) was created. The department of physical education of the USHA was staffed by teachers from predecessor departments. Its staff consisted of 18 teachers and 5 service personnel. Viktor Vasyliovych Zaika headed the department and managed it for a long time (1954-1957). After joining the USGA Veterinary Institute, the number of teachers of the department increased.
The main task of the team of the department of physical education is to encourage and involve students (bachelor's, master's, graduate students), scientific and pedagogical staff, scientific workers and employees of the university to engage in physical culture or sports. For this purpose, throughout the years of the department's existence, the university holds a variety of physical culture and health, sports and mass events: competitions, both in individual sports and complex competitions - spartakiades, sports evenings, competitions in individual sports, demonstration performances during university-wide holidays. The results of individual competitions were covered in the university newspaper "For Agricultural Personnel", which has been published since September 1956, in other city, all-Ukrainian newspapers: "Vechirniy Kyiv", "Sportyvna gazeta". Oleksandr Ivanovich Fedorenko, the head of the physical education department, wrote many articles for newspapers at one time. These articles became almost the only source of the history of the development of physical culture and sports at the university during the Soviet Union.
Since 1956, complex sports games of various types of sports were started in the USSR, which were named "Summer Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR" and "Winter Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR", the final competitions of the first Summer Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR were held on August 5-16, 1956 in Moscow. That is why, since 1956, competitions in various types of sports have been combined into a comprehensive competition at the USGA and they have also started to hold the "Spartakiade among national teams of students of faculties". These competitions are held annually to this day, for more than 60 years in a row! The first sports games of students were held in the following sports: weightlifting, freestyle wrestling, athletics cross, volleyball, cross-country skiing, football, basketball, shot put, handball, swimming. According to archival data preserved at the Department of Physical Education, in these years, the fiercest fight for the championship in the Spartakiad among students is between students of the mechanization, electrification, and agronomy faculties. For years, the number of competitions between national teams of students of faculties reached 20-24 sports. In separate periods, competitions of first-year students were additionally held.
The sports base at that time consisted of two small gymnasiums, two simple sports grounds, premises for the department and a ski base. Usually, the existing sports base was not enough for the contingent of several thousand students of the academy, and the staff of the department began to expand the sports base on public grounds. This work was especially intensified with the appointment of Vasyl Ivanovich Shibakin (1957-1969) as the head of the department. By 1960, a stadium with a football field and track and field sectors was built. All the broken bricks from training building No. 3, which was destroyed during the heroic defense of Kyiv in 1941, went into the stadium drainage. At the same time, sports grounds were built - volleyball, basketball, handball, and a ski base was also equipped. In 1965, the current sports building No. 9 with four halls (wrestling, weightlifting, gymnastics, games hall) was put into operation.
In the following years, real enthusiasts worked as the head of the department - Oleksandr Ivanovych Fedorenko (1969-1977), Kas'yanov A.D. (1977-1978), Mykola Dmytrovych Polyakov (1978-1983), Oleksandr Vasylyovych Dovhich (1983-1989), Valery Pavlovich Krasnov, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (1989-2010), Serhii Oleksiyovych Verbytskyi, Honorary Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine (2010-2013), master of sports of Ukraine of the international class in kyokushinkai karate, k.n.f.v.s. Brynzak Sava Savovych (2013-2014), p.p. Tyshchenko V.I. (2014-2015) and since 2015, Mykola Petrovych Kostenko, the master of sports of Ukraine of the international class in mini-football, the champion of the World Universiade of change-football as part of the student national team of Ukraine, became the head of the physical education department in 2015.
In the early 1960s, the USGA sports club was created as a separate legal entity that had its own bank account. The club's activities were financed by the "Kolos" physical culture and sports society. Trainers (teachers of the department and invited persons) worked in the club, who conducted educational and training sessions with USGA students in sports sections and used the university's sports facilities free of charge. Since that time, the university teams began to participate in city competitions, and later the best athletes and university teams - in all-Ukrainian and all-Union competitions.
The historical source of information about physical culture, mass and sports work at the university at that time is the university newspaper "For Agricultural Personnel", which has been published since September 1956, and since April 2009 it has been published under the name "University Courier", as well as articles about sports life in USGA in the newspapers "Vechirniy Kyiv", "Sportyvna Gazeta".
The development of sports at the university in the 1960s
In the 1960s and 1970s, in the USGA sports club, students participated in 18 sports sections: shooting, classical wrestling, Greco-Roman, freestyle, motocross, gymnastics, acrobatics, athletics, skiing, skating, cycling, volleyball, handball, football, basketball, chess club, tourist club "Bars". University teams participated in city and all-Ukrainian competitions, and since 1965 in all-Union competitions among agricultural institutions of higher education (higher educational institutions), international match meetings.
Starting from 1960, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Ukrainian SSR held among the agricultural higher education institutions of the republic 4 spartakiades, the program of which included the following sports: gymnastics, athletics and weightlifting, volleyball, handball and football. The team of the USGA in the complex competition constantly won prizes.
Since 1964, the USGA has been subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR. During this period, sports games began to be held among agricultural higher education institutions (HEIs) of the USSR. At the 8th and 9th games, USGA athletes took second place in the all-around, and at the 3rd and 17th games, they became winners! For many years, national teams of USGA performed quite successfully in individual sports, becoming multiple champions. Thus, during 1968-1978, the shot put team was the unchanging champion of the MSG of the USSR, the men's handball team - 1975-1979, the classical wrestlers - 1974-1975. The men's basketball team and equestrian team were distinguished. More than 10 USHA national teams won silver and bronze medals at these competitions.
The XVII Games of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR, which were victorious for our university, were held at the USGA sports base. At that time, the department of physical education had a reconstructed stadium with a good football field, running tracks covered with rubber, athletics sectors with playgrounds and stands for 1,500 seats. In addition, a 50-meter shooting range, a ski base was equipped, and the cavalrymen had 10 sports horses at their disposal.
In the 1960s, with the conclusion of friendship agreements between USGA and agricultural higher education institutions of Czechoslovakia and Hungary, international friendly sports meetings began. Thus, in 1966-1968 USGA volleyball players abroad won the "Friendship Cup", which was played between higher educational institutions of Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, GDR, Yugoslavia and Holland. During this period, volleyball and handball teams from Nitra, Brno, Prague, Halle, as well as French wrestlers visited Kyiv with return visits.
The bullet shooting section was headed by Mykhailo Mykhailovych Itkes for many years. Three of his students won the title of masters of sports of the USSR of the international class - Starynskyi Serhiy (plant protection), Bogynskyi Yuriy, Vasina Liana (technical engineering of electrotrophies), the title of master of sports of the USSR was awarded to Vasyl Zabarskyi (technical engineering of mechanization).
The classical wrestling section was headed by Boris Abramovych Yudytskyi - master of sports of the USSR, among his pupils was Voytyuk Dmytro Hryhorovych (technical engineer of mechanization) - received the title of candidate of master of sports and Oleksandr Moroz.
The section of freestyle wrestling was headed by Anatolii Aretyunovych Khantemeryan and MSMK - Korvat Oleg, they trained more than 10 masters and candidates for masters of sports, among them the world champion - Oleksandr Ovcharenko (faculty of agrochemistry), USSR champion Magamed Azizov.
The volleyball section (men) was headed by Valentin Kupriyanovich Gavrylko, later the coach of the sports club Volodymyr Ivanov, the team of the university included Valery Vasyliovych Adamchuk (Ph.D. of mechanization), later the director of the Scientific Research Institute, Professor Kalensky Viktor Petrovych (Ph.D. of Agrochemistry), Ivan Vasyliovych Kucherenko (electricity engineering) and others. Boris Tereshchuk and Volodymyr Ivanov became Olympic volleyball champions in Mexico City in 1968 as part of the Soviet Union national team.
USGA national teams successfully performed in competitions for the championship of the city of Kyiv. Among the 18 Kyiv higher education institutions in the comprehensive standings, the sports team of USGA constantly won the third prize, and out of nine sports, by 1970, it became the winner 16 times.
Every year, more than 2,000 students of the National Agrarian University, teachers and employees participated in numerous mass sports events. Many of the students who were part of the national teams now manage various units of the NAU, are respected teachers. Yes, professors A.G. Serdyuk, V.P. Kalenskyi, Ibatulin I.I. (zooengineering Ph.D.) became vice-rectors, professor D.G. Voytiuk heads the technical educational and scientific institute, Ya.M. Mykhailovych heads the mechanical and technological faculty, the rector of our university Stanislav Nikolayenko, in the past a student of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, took part in the sports competition among students in freestyle wrestling and other competitions and won the title of candidate for master of sports.
Sports successes were celebrated by the university, students and teachers of the physical education department: Gennadiy Mykhailovych Samoilov, champion of the USSR People's Spartakiad in javelin throwing, senior teacher, laboratory technician of the physical education department (from 1961 to the present); Nina Oleksandrivna Leonenko, champion of the III Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR and the championship of the Ukrainian SSR (track and field, 400 m run), senior teacher of the department of physical education, Vladimirova Iraida Vasilievna, honorary master of sports of the USSR in cross-country skiing (1971), winner of the USSR Cup (1964), many international competitions , championships of the Ukrainian SSR, coach of the cross-country skiing section (1975-1992), senior teacher of the department of physical education (1975-2017); V.M. Shnyukov, V.K. Gavrilko, M.T. Ovsyankin, I.V. Kucherenko (volleyball, three-time champions of the competition among agricultural universities of the USSR), L.O. Polivoda (basketball); students - masters of sports of international class A. Symonenko (skating), V. Chumak (athletics), L. Vasina, O. Starynskyi (shot put), O. Korvat, A. Ovcharenko, D. Zadvirnyak (wrestling), V. .Bilyak, O. Ponomarenko (weightlifting).
The highest sports results in the years 1960-1080 were achieved by students and employees of the university: Borys Tereshchuk - Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1968), champion of the Olympic Games in volleyball (1968, Mexico City) as part of the USSR national team, graduate of the Faculty of Agrochemistry (1966-1971 ), teacher of the Department of Physical Education (2001-2008); Anatoly Bondarchuk - Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1972), champion of the Olympic Games in athletics, hammer throw (1972, Munich), coach of the USGA sports club (1971-1975). The sports title "Master of Sports of Ukraine of international class" was awarded to students and employees of the university: A. Symonenko (skating), V. Chumak (athletics), L. Vasina, O. Starinskyi (shot put), O. Korvat, A. Ovcharenko , D. Zadvirnyak (wrestling), V. Bilyak, O. Ponomarenko, I. Razoryonov (weightlifting), S. Bazaev (powerlifting).