Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation

Double degrees

 Newsletter on "double degree" program and training

     Taking into account the interests and needs of students of Ukrainian National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NUBiP of Ukraine) the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy has signed a cooperation agreement with the Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk (Poland) and therefore invites students to participate in an international double degree program.
     Slupsk is an ancient city at the Baltic Sea with a rich history and culture. It is one of the most attractive tourist destinations with excellent architectural monuments, highly developed infrastructure and all possible types of entertainment. Slupsk harmoniously combines the pace of modern European city and yet retains a sense of peace and purity of ancient traditions.
     Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk is a well-known European educational institution, which provides specialty training in pedagogy, social work, philology and so on. Being a student of the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy and majoring in "Social work", you have the opportunity to study under the "double degree" program in the Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk. At the end of the education you will get two degrees – Ukrainian degree and degree of a European standard (Polish). Study period is 3 years, you spend in turn one semester in Ukraine, another – in Poland.
     Working languages – Polish and Ukrainian. You also have an opportunity to attend free Polish courses at the Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk.
     Payment is 400 € per semester, for the whole period of study – 1.200 € (monthly fee of 100 € is available). Accommodation in campus – 72 € / month. (Triple room with a fridge, kettle, etc.).
     Students can visit libraries, modern laboratories with the latest equipment, gyms, canteen and so on.
     The city offers many opportunities for employment of students, and the Academy in its turn, creates all the conditions for optimal combination of studying and gaining professional and practical experience. Schedule is made up in such a way that students can not only study, but also have time for work and travel.
     Diploma of a European standard makes it possible to find a job in Europe.
     Students of the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy can get a free one-semester training in Polish educational establishment and then receive a certificate at the end of study. The semester in NUBiP will be granted as well. 
     Training is conducted at the following directions:
  • Education and Philosophy
  • Music
  • Pedagogy
  • Philosophy
  • Sociology and social work
  • Philology and history
  • History and Political Science
  • Neophilology
  • Polish philology
  • National security
  • Mathematics and environmental studies
  • Biology and environment protection
  • Physics
  • Geography and regional studies
  • Mathematics
  • Health Sciences
     Working languages – Polish and Ukrainian. You will get an opportunity to attend free Polish courses at the Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk and live in a campus, travel and food – at your own expense.
     On October 27, 2016 a meeting with Irina Surina, PhD, professor, the dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk, the head of the Department of Sociology, took place. Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy, professor Vasyl Shynkaruk described the achievements in the sphere of international activities, and pointed out that professor Irina Surina has done much for the approval of "Social pedagogy" curriculum.
     On February 13, 2017 there was a meeting between the rector of the Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk (Poland) Zbigniew Osadovskyi, the coordinator of educational programs "Double Degree" Eugenia Spivakovska and the dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy Vasyl Shynkaruk. Vasyl Shynkaruk emphasized the necessity and importance of cooperation development between Ukraine and Poland in the field of education and science. He also stressed that Poland plays an important role in the foreign policy of Ukraine, due to common history, close cultural and economic ties. Vasily Shynkaruk reminded the audience of the fact that for more than two years our university has been maintaining close relations with the Pomeranian Academy, which is a well-known educational institution in Europe. 
     The 2nd year students majoring in "Social pedagogy" have already started a new semester in Pomeranian Academy according to the double degree program on February 17, 2017.
On July 12, 2021, another meeting was organized with our colleagues from Hefei International College of Beijing University of Foreign Languages
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