Faculty of Agrarian Management


Dean of the Faculty of Agrarian Management

Anatolii D. Ostapchuk

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor
Tel.: (044) 527-85-73

Vice Dean

Larysa F. Karpenko

PhD (Economics), As. Professor of the Department of Marketing and International Trade
Tel.: (044) 527-85-73

Vice Dean

Lyudmyla M. Chornenka

Tel.: (044) 527-88-81
As.Professor of the Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activities 

Supervisor of International Program

Olena A. Kovtun 

Теl.: (044) 527 86 51
PhD (Economics),
As. Professor of Department of Administrative
Management and  Foreign Economic Activities

Vice Dean in Scientific Activities

Vira M. Butenko
Doctor of Economic Sciences, As. Professor



Tutor of the foreign students

Kateryna A. Alekseieva

PhD (Public Administration),
As. Professor of Production and Investment
Management Department

Operator of Distant Studying Form

Lyudmyla A. Ganenko

Tel.: (044) 527-88-81



Galyna I. Moroz 

Tel.: (044) 527-88-81










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