Events calendar
7.08.2017 – 13.08.2017
Students of Wroslaw University of Life and Environmental Sciences are training at the department of veterinary medicine in NUBiP of Ukraine
August 8, 2017
Students of the 6th year of the faculty of veterinary medicine of Wroslaw University of Life and ENvironemental Science of Ukraine, namely Agate Przhyvoska and Agata Bolanovska trained at the faculty of veterinary medicine of our university for two weeks. →
Professor Marcos Fava Neves ( University of San Paolo, Brazil) conducted a lecture on Brazil’s Independence Day foto
August 9, 2017
It happened that on Brazil’s Independence Day a professor of Business School of economics, business administration and accounting of University of San Paolo (Brazil), a founder of a company “Markestrat” Marcos Fava Neves was visiting our university. →