
Council with University Researchers and Heads of Education and Research Institutes of NULES of Ukraine on Innovative, International and Research Activities foto

June 13, 2014

 On June 12, 2014 the Acting Head of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Stanislav Nikolayenko, held a council with the heads of education and research institutes of NULES of Ukraine, the staff of scientific and research departme 

Актуальні проблеми сучасного суспільства і роль молоді в їх рішенні foto

28 March 2014, 12:00

28.03.2014 в Кримському агропромисловому коледжі проходила конференція-презентація соціально-гуманітарного циклу на тему: «Актуальні проблеми сучасного суспільства і роль молоді в їх рішенні» для вузів І-ІІ рівня акредитації.На конференції були присутні викладачі і студенти 14 навчальних закладів Криму. 

Day of Science at NULES of Ukraine foto

May 20, 2014

         As a part of the VIII All-Ukrainian Festival of Science, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine held the Festival of Science – 2014 and the Day of Science on May 16.  

The Meeting-Requiem Dedicated to the 69th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War foto

May 7, 2014

     On the eve of the 69th anniversary of the Great Victory students and staff of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences held the meeting-requiem devoted to the fallen in the Second World War. 

ERI of Forestry and Landscape-Park Management became a member of the Conference of Deans and Directors of European Forestry Faculties and schools (ConDDEFFRS) foto

May 12, 2014

     In May 2014 ERI of Forestry and Landscape-Park Management (IFLPM) became a member of the Conference of Deans and Directors of European Forestry Faculties and schools (  

Opening of Regional Eastern European Fire Monitoring Centre (REEFMC)

March 5, 2013

        March 4, 2013 the Regional Eastern European Fire Monitoring Centre was opened on the basis of Education and Research Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening. 

Congratulations, NUBiP of Ukraine! foto

November 19, 2012

Constant improvement of performance is one of the key principles of General Quality Management. 

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