Knowledge Day in Golosiyevo

September 1, 2014

On September 1 NULES of Ukraine started a new academic year, which traditionally began with Knowledge Day and solemn initiation of freshmen.

This year 5,879 young people (3,269 bachelor students and 2,610 master students) joined the university students, whose amount is one of the largest in Eastern Europe. The freshmen, their parents and the invited guests gathered at the university stadium. Honorary right to raise the state flag during the national anthem was given to three students – Denys Voloshchuk (Economic Department), Victoria Myaluk (Department of Plant Protection) and Bogdana Fedchuk (Department of Law).

The Head of the University, Stanislav Nikolayenko, welcomed the freshmen and congratulated university students and the staff on the beginning of the new academic year and Knowledge Day.

Outstanding Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko wrote: “Read, study and discern, and learn from foreigners, but don’t disdain your own!” NULES of Ukraine has a highly professional staff. For more than 115 years the university trained more than 110 thousand highly qualified specialists! Among them there are prominent scientists, politicians, managers, known organizers of agricultural sector, talented entrepreneurs, farmers.

Currently the university offers 45 specialties for master students and 29 fields of study for bachelor students. The scientific and teaching staff includes 29 academicians, 335 doctors of sciences and professors, approximately 1,400 associate professors and candidates of sciences.
More and more subjects are taught in foreign languages.

NULES of Ukraine pays significant attention to international relations and is a member of the European Association of Universities of Life Sciences that conducts nearly 50 international programs. Our students have a unique opportunity to receive double diplomas and be among students of 7 leading universities.

In his speech Stanislav Nikolayenko said: “Recently, the conference of the staff of NULES of Ukraine adopted the program of university development “Golosiivska Initiative – 2020”. Implementation of this strategic document will allow the team to overcome the difficulties, stay among top five universities in Ukraine, maintain international recognition, confirm the status of national and research university.”

“Now Ukraine is going through difficult times. The neighbouring country started a war on our eastern borders. But we will survive! Ukraine was a state, is a state and always will be. Nowhere else in the world there are such people as here. All we need is peace, and once we have it, we will work as hard as always!”

The Head of the University assured the President of Ukraine, the parliament, the government, the entire Ukrainian community: the staff of NULES of Ukraine will do everything possible to fulfil all its tasks.

The Head of the University thanked the parents present at the celebration for wise parenting, which allowed their children to make the right life choices - to become the members of the friendly university family. He urged the students to study hard and to learn cultural and scientific heritage of our glorious city of Kyiv. Indeed, knowledge is a treasure. And education is the key to this treasure.

The Head of the Department of Staff and Executive Staff Management of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Mykola Legenkyy, welcomed and congratulated the freshmen on behalf of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry.


Among the guests of the holiday were the Head of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Agrarian Policy and Land Relations, Grygoriy Kaletnik, People’s Deputy of Ukraine, the Head of the Subcommittee on Taxation of Indirect Taxes (Excluding Excise Tax) of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Taxation and Customs Policy, Sergiy Teryokhin, Vice-President of the NAAS of Ukraine, Mykhailo Baschenko, Adviser to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, the Head of the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, Leonid Kozachenko, Hero of Ukraine, Oleksandr Omelchenko, abbot Fotiy, archpriest Yuriy Boyko. They congratulated the freshmen and their parents on such a wise choice of a university. The status of the university is confirmed by university graduates who now head state-owned enterprises and private businesses, develop Ukrainian state and its agricultural sector. Currently NULES of Ukraine combines two branches of the future: information technologies and agribusiness. Every speech ended the same way: “Glory to Ukraine!” and the audience always responded “To Heroes Glory!”

In order to commemorate the victims of World War II and the heroes of Heaven’s Hundred the students and staff laid flowers and wreaths to the memorial to teachers and students in Golosiyevo and on Independence Square in Kyiv.

Afterwards, the Head of the University, Stanislav Nikolayenko, First Vice-Rector, Igor Ibatullin, and Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Activities and University Development, Sergiy Kvasha, awarded the freshmen with permanent attributes of Knowledge Day – the symbolic key to knowledge, grade book and student card. Once they also were students…

Symbolic Knowledge Bowl was lit by Vitaliy Lynets (Department of Computer Sciences and Economic Cybernetics), Kateryna Shyshanova (Department of Ecology and Sustainable Development) and Kateryna Melnyk (Depatemnt of Park Gardening and Landscape Architecture).

And, of course, it is impossible to imagine a holiday without granting awards and honorary titles of NULES of Ukraine.

This year the honorary titles of NULES of Ukraine were awarded to three foreign scientists. The Head of Czech University of Life Sciences (Czech Republic), Yuri Balik, was granted the diploma and title of the Honorary Doctor of NULES of Ukraine. Vice-Rector of Wroclaw University of Life and Environmental Sciences (Poland), Alina Wieliczko, and the Head of the Department of Economics of University of Primorska (Koper, Slovenia), Stefan Boynets, became Honorary Professors of NULES of Ukraine. They contributed to the development of our university. Mr Balik noted that Czech University of Life Sciences already allocated 13 scholarships for our students and Ms Wieliczko stated that Wroclaw University of Life and Environmental Science provides financial support for reconstruction of University Building 3. She also mentioned that Poland allocated 100 scholarships for young Ukrainians living in the combat zone in eastern Ukraine.

The official part was followed by the concert that was organised by numerous amateur groups and performers of the university. Among them were the Honoured Worker of Culture, Yaroslav Mykhailovych, Honoured Artists Natalia Shelepnytska and Roman Rudyy. The audience cheerfully greeted Dmytro Andriyets and Iryna Gorgo. Among other participants were Octava vocal ensemble and Amero vocal ensemble, academic choir, Charivnist dance group and Suzirya DANCE dance group, Stanislav Semenovskyy Kolos Folk Song and Dance Ensemble. The traditional participant was Litavry drummer ensemble of Irpin Economic College. Sportsmen and athletes also had an opportunity to demonstrate their skills and achievements.


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