Future project managers took part in the accelerator

19 лютого 2018 року

Future project managers together with the Head of the Production and investment management department Lidiia Shynkaruk and the As.Professor of the department Tetiana Lobunets took part in the MHP-accelarator. It allowed them to find out the rules of business leading in case when it is built on technologies, to seethe new world trends in agro- and start-up branch as well as to possess the secrets of the pitch. 

There was Maria Romanova one of the experts of the Radar Tech, Agrohub and MHP as the cofounder of the studying training Startup 101 by MHP accelerator. Sheused to be a member of the jury at the students’ projects competition at the NULES of Ukraine on the 12th of December 2017. 

There was also Maksim Bahmatov the Head of the Management board of the Radar Tech, the managing partner of the Innovation park Unit.city. He told about the trends in the Agrarian sphere development on the basis of high technologies in the agrarian sphere. It can open the new opportunities for Ukraine. The technological decisions and the fast information processing allow controlling the production process of the final product as well as the integration of the ideas from both industries allow the mutual platform forming. It all can be the basis for start-ups. The students were interested in the actual information on the agrarian innovations which can help to save the world from starvation. The director of the company SmartFarming Artem Belenkov shared his opinion in the sphere of agrarian consulting and implementation of the management of technologies and pilotless technologies. 


The member of the Radar Tech and the managing partner of the first Ukrainian business accelerator GrowthUP Denis Dovgopolyi involved the students into the discussion concerning the technological business. He shared his experience how to create a team and ideas, how to implement the business ideas.

The manager of the acceleration program business-incubator HappyFarm Olena Kalibaba told the students about the experience in the preparation of a successful pitch project in particular how to implement the priorities and to use the advantages. She also told which words scare the mentors and investors and how to make a successful presentation.


Tetiana Lobunets, Kateryna Alekseieva


Press-centreTo Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)

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