Production and Investment Management Department: the 2017 achievements and plans for the future

2 лютого 2018, 12:35

The year 2017 was interesting and full of different events for the Production and Investment Management Department due to both teachers’ and students’ fruitful work.

These achievements are the first bachelors-graduates as well the first masters-graduates;


the Memorandum and Agreement conclusion on cooperation between the University and the Institute of Global Transformations; the forming of the mutual syllabus with the double diploma issuing of the University with the Pomorsk Academy (Poland) and Foggia University (Italy). 

The greatest event of the year for the Production and Investment Management Department was the implementation of a new educational syllabus “Management of investment activities and international projects” according to which 30 masters started their studying on the 1st of September 2017.

The students will possess the projecting in MS Project, international programs and grants, business English, risk-management, Start-Up projects management. They will know how to create a project, to work out a business plan, to form investment programs, to manage time, communications and risks. They will be able to lead business, to negotiate with investors and to attract investments.

The knowledge and skills possessed at the NULES of Ukraine will allow the graduates of this masters’ syllabus to work as project-managers, coordinators, leaders, analytics, and consultants.

The classes are held in the scientific lab (room 614, building 10) equipped with 15 computers.


The students have already taken part in the Supreme Rada of Ukraine committee seating in the problems of the industry policy and entrepreneurship called “Buy Ukrainian, pay to the Ukrainians!” and “Ukraine: instruments of energy saving and industry development”. It was done thanks to the invitation of the Head of the committee V.Halasiuk. 

The possessed theoretical knowledge of the students was improved by the learning of the experience of working out and implementing of projects at the Ukrainian festival of innovations and the International Forum «INNOVATION MARKET». 


In the end of 2017 the students had an opportunity to present their own projects at the 1st tour of the students’ investment projects competition. There were famous experts there in business projecting R.Lukach (progect manager, consultant of the Head of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine Committee in the industry policy and entrepreneurship), V.Vovk (General Director of the charity fund of G.Logvynskii “Innovation technologies of the future”), representative of the business accelerator Radar Tech M.Romanova. The experts considered the students’ projects to be of the highest level.  

Our students also took part in the preparation of the Conference “The role of the Youth in the development of the agrarian-industry complex of Ukraine”, International scientific and practical conference “Inclusive development of the national economy: global trends, opportunities for Ukraine and the role of agrarian-industry sector of Ukraine” and other conferences in our University and in other Universities of Ukraine.


The students who started their studying according to the new educational syllabus “Management of investment activities and international projects” had an opportunity to obtain two diplomas. One of them the NULES of Ukraine diploma and the second one could be either the diploma of the Pomorsk Academy (Poland) or the diploma of the Foggia University (Italy). The first step for studying in Europe for our masters was training in the Pomorsk Academy (Poland). The students came back to Ukraine with great impressions which were promptly shared at the Production and Investment management Department page of the University official web-site.

In 2017 the students’ scientific circle “Management and the present days” started its work and reached the second place in the scientific circles competition at the Science Festival 2017.  

From the new semester the students’ scientific circle started in the new structure and the new format. 


The circle attendants under the guidance of As.Professor of the Department T.Lobunets took part the Ukrainian students competition 2017 «SDGinUkraine: look of new generation” held by the Network of the Global Agreement of The UN in Ukraine, Ukrainian Association of business education development, Kyiv business school, Academy of Labor, social relations and tourism and the partner company, LLC “AGROTECHUNION”. The students were honored in the competition as creative and perspective. 

The foreign teachers specializing in management were involved into the educational process to widen the world outlook of the students as future managers. Among them there was Professor Henk Donners from Maastricht University at the Netherlands who used to work in the Government of the Netherlands’ Kingdom and more than 15 years was in the process of implementing the Ukrainian legislation in the European legislation field. He also used to be a consultant of the Ukrainian Government in the tax policy and Tax Legislation of Ukraine. 

The students also met G.Chinarro the representative of  Universit de Perpignan Via Domitia from France during the lecture cycle “Education abroad”. 


Much attention of the Department teachers was paid to the process of professional orientation. It was connected first of all with the current necessity to prepare the youth to the conscious choice of the specialty.

There was the new masters’ educational syllabus “Management of investment activities and international projects” presented at the Open doors day for the college graduates.  

The advantages of the studying at The NULES of Ukraine were presented at different schools and lyceums of Kyiv and other cities, as well as the villages of Ukraine.

There were the agreements on cooperation concluded with several schools of the Solomianskyi district of Kyiv.  


There was initiated and successfully implemented the cycle of lectures in the frames of autumn school “Young manager” with participation of professor H.Donners.  


Among the cultural events such events should be mentioned as attending the museum of anatomy of the NULES of Ukraine, attending the performance “The violet of Montmartre” of the Kyiv national academic operetta theatre, and the quizzing game of the students organized on the Ukrainian Military Forces day.

The New Year 2018 was met with new plans and projects to widen and to deepen the educational process in particular to widen the activities of the scientific lab in the direction of organizing the consultant services, research and investors attracting. 


Iryna Baranovska, Kateryna Alekseieva



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