Department of Accounting and Taxation

International activity

  Within the framework of international cooperation between universities, bachelor's, master's and doctoral students of the department successfully study abroad in terms of universities and subsequent internships at enterprises in Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, foreign affairs, Denmark, Japan, the USA, gaining experience in Europe and education in the specialty. In particular, Master Nadia Polyakova  academic year at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS-SGGW) under the European Union Erasmus + program, which provides for the improvement of the qualifications and employability of students and the employment of the European economy (for more details, follow the link https: // At the moment, Ivan Dudka, a first-year master's student in the specialty "Accounting and taxation", is studying under this program. As an improvement for Polyakov and I. Dudka, he noted phased mobility, selective joint master's programs, which are drawn from universities in Europe and partner countries, attracting the best students from all over the world. From the very beginning, the master of the department Ruslana Sidorchukas at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute in the city of Chania (MAIC) in Greece, specializing in Enterprise Economics and Management. R. Sidorchuk improved his skills and qualifications in the field of accounting, auditing and study in the course of studying eighteen disciplines in English. Every year, students undergo industrial practice abroad. Implementation of their theoretical knowledge and intensive development of foreign practical experience under the supervision of practitioners, developed and published in English Programs of professional training for bachelors and masters. Mobility for undergraduate and graduate students is open in both directions. This is confirmed by the completion of the study by Alnaimat Mohammad Ahmad Saleh on the topic of a Ph.D. thesis: “Accounting and analysis of financial results: Ukrainian experience and research” under the guidance of Professor P.L. Sook and Ph.D., Associate Professor Kolesnikova O.M. Isabella Dorenzo, a student from Italy, mastered the discipline "Accounting" in Russian for the state of health of Associate Professor Kolesnikova O.M. under the program of training for foreign citizens.

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