Department of Accounting and Taxation

Educational activity

     Teachers conduct the educational process at three faculties (economic, agricultural management, information technology) and the educational and scientific institute of postgraduate education. They demand his programs, methodological developments, textbooks and manuals. In recent years, teachers of the department have published more than 40 textbooks and scientific research manuals: in student research prompt access to information resources, timeliness of making changes in the disciplines studied, we have developed electronic training courses in the ELEARN system. The department studies the teaching of more than 30 specialties, among which there are "Accounting", "Financial Accounting", "Managerial Accounting", "Reporting of Enterprises", "Accounting and Reporting in Taxation", "Audit", "Information System and Technologies in Accounting" . and audit", "Accounting in budgetary institutions", "Control of the activities of agricultural entities", "Computer audit", "Accounting in enterprise management", "Organization and methods of audit", "Organization of accounting", "Forensic accounting" and other. The teaching staff is constantly working to improve the content of the subjects, including the European experience and professional skills of the future specialist. The department has an educational-scientific-production laboratory "Information technologies in accounting". We conduct courses on the "Accounting" program, which cover the use at self-supporting enterprises and provide for an in-depth study of modern computer technologies for accounting at enterprises, institutions and organizations. In addition, our computer program "M.E.Doc" is used in the educational process. ”, which corresponds to 80% of the market for electronic payment and free document management, is convenient for collection and in demand in the business environment, contains an electronic digital signature certificate of the Accredited Key Certification Center “Ukraine” and improves work with all types of documents in electronic devices: primary documents and reports in the organs. Department of obtaining training of specialists in the specialty "Accounting and taxation" at the educational levels "bachelor", "master". Preparation under the program for training specialists of the educational level "Master" in the specialty "Accounting and taxation" was carried out upon completion of master's programs: scientific direction: - Accounting, control and analysis of the management of enterprises. production line: — Accounting and taxation of business entities. – Accounting and control support for the management of business entities. – Accounting and control in the state management of the economy. The content of the master's programs of response to directions with the intended process and the prospect of considering the requirements for the preparation of highly qualified specialists. An integrated approach to the department on the quality of education.

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