Department of Accounting and Taxation

Tutorial work

Mentoring was carried out by conducting individual work of drivers with students and organizing various cultural events. The work of tutors is aimed at studying special, social, cultural and professional specialists, attracting them to interest groups in scientific, cultural, public and social events of the faculty and the university. In addition to planned organizational hours, the following are also taken into account: attending lectures and practical classes, current planning, results of attestation and examination periods, carrying out activities for organizational and methodological work; assistance to students of the academic group in educational activities, the formation of skills for independent work; the work of the professor-leader of the student group on the formation of a healthy moral and psychological climate in the environment; cultural and educational work in the academic group; the work of the professor-leader of the student group in some social circles. The department conducts cultural and methodological work with students of the specialty "Accounting and Audit", both in the classroom and outside the classroom, conversations are held in academic groups with the deputy dean for educational work, senior lecturer of the department Krivorot ON, tutors (Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professors - Melyankova L.V., Candidate of Economics, Senior Lecturer Myskiv L.P., Senior Lecturer of the Department Krivorot O.G. − organization of educational and extracurricular work of teachers of academic groups with students; − guidance on writing bachelor's and master's theses, crimes in educational and industrial practice; − duty in buildings and student dormitories of universities; − Random student scientific circles (“Problems of methodology and organization of accounting, control and analysis”), Litvinenko V.S. ("Accounting in modern economic conditions"). Much attention is paid to the national-patriotic education of students. In particular, in the matters of honoring the participants of the Revolution of Dignity, perpetuating the memory of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, a thematic action was held at the Faculty of Economics, organized by the deans Nagorny V.V. and Krivorot O.N. and military writer Archpriest Leonty Nikitenko. In September 2016, the senior lecturer of the Department of Accounting and Accounting Krivorot O.G. readings were held with the presentation of the fourth collection of poems “Speak, think, laugh - we are alive!”, in which students and scientific and pedagogical workers of the Faculty of Economics, mainly with the dean, Doctor of Economics, Professor A.D. Dibrova, took part. In the hostel's reading room, we held a literary evening "We are all poets to the bones of the brain ..." for students of the Faculty of Economics. Each participant presented original and modern poems in their own way: about love, friendship, family and life in general. the main event of the evening was the creation of the poetry club "Balance". It was initiated by the Deputy Dean for educational work of the Faculty of Economics Krivorotskaya O.G. and the hostel student council. In March 2022, the poetry club "Balance" of the Faculty of Economics of the NUBiS of Ukraine held a reading of the poem "Anxious Spring in Goloseevo". According to O.M. Ostrogorsky: “Educational work is not about saying kind words to children, admonishing them. First of all, it means to live the way other people live. Whoever wants to acquire the duty of educating children must begin by educating himself.”

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