Separated subdivision NULESU «Crimean Agroindustrial College»


In the Crimean agroindustriall college of NULESU a lot of attention is paid to the practical training of the students, the main aim of which is acquiring of professional skills forf future specialty.
The college has long ties with research institutions in Ukraine and abroad, agricultural enterprises of different ownership, collective farms : Republican Plant Protection Station, Institute of Agriculture of Crimea NAAS of Ukraine and its departments, Nikita Botanical garden, chairs of NULES of Ukraine and Southern Affiliate NULESU "Crimean Agrotechnological University" and so on. Such cooperation is concerned with practical training and research work of students and teachers of the college .

Practical training in college is organized in accordance with the regulation of the practice of university students with the requirements of the curriculum and the curricula . Institution has a set of standard applications and working with all types of practice, guidelines, exercises for students to implement practices, Workbooks, necessary books, blanks of diary reports.
Analysis of professional skills of specialists determined that skills are formed during professional practice. The approach to teaching students is comprehensive, purposeful, encouraging all kinds of professional activity .

Educational practices are conducted in laboratories and workshops of the college. There are the following educational production sites : plumbing, repairing of car engines, repair and regulation of car chassis,avtotraktorodrom, collection and research field with area of 103.05 hectares : including 86.17 ha of farmland , 0,7 of educational greenhouse complex ; 1.0 hectares of an educational vineyard , 1, 03 - training nursery garden, 4.19 hectares - of mini- botanical garden and park of the college. On this basis, students complete a range of activities, consolidating theoretical knowledge and acquiring the necessary skills in their field.
at test areas of the College production system of organic farming is implemented. This is the system of agricultural production, which largely limits the combined use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators. Growing vegetable crops and nut on this production system, the students see that it works well on the physical properties of the soil, stimulates the activity of soil organisms and soil is enriched with humus. The use of organic products indirectly contributes to the environment, namely:

-positive effect on the reproduction of natural soil fertility,
-increase the natural number of species.

Bases of practices fro agronomic specialties are: Department of Horticulture of Institute of intensive agriculture Crimea NAAS, JV "Krymteplytsya", LLC "Prigorodne", Department of Microbiology, Institute of Agriculture Crimea NAAS, LLC "Gruziya", LLC "Simferopolske", National Institute of grapes and Wine "Magarach" . In " Organization and technology of farming " practices are held on Crimean farms : JFE "Sakhalin" Saki region, JFE "Genesis" Simferopol region , JFE "Mriya" Saki region, LLC "ROS- MTE" Simferopol region and more.
Practice in "Accounting" is held at the training accounting office and training bank in college, at the base enterprises, in the Crimean regional office of "Privatbank", Black Sea Bank for Reconstruction and Development, branch of "Inprombank" and other enterprises and organizations of agricultural complex of Crimea.
Training , technological and production practices are led by masters of apprenticeship, teachers of special disciplines and leaders of production practice. After the practice college students are able to get work profession "Computer Operator", "Secretary of manager (organizations, enterprises, institutions)", "Horticulture specialist", "Tractor-driver of agriculture (forestry) production (category "A")", "Beekeeper".

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