Separated subdivision NULESU «Crimean Agroindustrial College»

Directions of research work

Research is conducted on themes:
graduate works:

  1. "Pests of cherries and agri-environmental regulation of their numbers in the foothill zone of the Crimea"
  2. "Pests of peach and agri-environmental regulation of their numbers in the foothill zone of the Crimea"
  3. "Mechanism of investment in agricultural enterprises"
  4. "Organizational and economic mechanism of production and sales industry"
  5. "Efficacy of biodrugs based on fosfatmobilizing bacteria in the technologies of winter wheat cultivation in the south of Ukraine"
  6. "Formation of active future agronomists in the information environment"
  7. "The formation and use of personnel accounting services"
  8. "Modern technology of crone formation of annual planting of fruit crops'
  9. "Basic sucking pests of pears from equal-winged and justification of measures limiting their size and hazard in gardens of steppe part of Crimea"
  10. "Formation of social competence of agronomists in the study of humanities in agricultural colleges"
  11. "State regulation of the food market in the context of globalization"

initiative topics

  • The study of the stability of new and promising varieties of vegetables;
  • The study of methods of cultivation;
  • Testing of promising new varieties of fruit crops;
  • Learning the basics of management consulting;
  • Impact on the effectiveness of biological assimilation of agrofoska cereals in the central zone of the Crimea ;
  • Impact of chemical and biological agents in the reproduction of harmful and beneficial fauna planting fruit trees in the foothills and central areas of the Crimea;
  • Study of assessing the financial condition and balance sheet of the agricultural sector enterprises (for example, specific enterprises);
  • The study of accounting and ways to improve it (for example, specific enterprises);
  • Formation of humanistic orientation of agricultural university students and others.

In 2012, scientists of separated subdivisions published 38 articles in professional magazines of Ukraine and international publications, 17 books on the recommendation of the State Institution "Scientific and Methodological Center for information and analytical support of the university "Agroosvita" Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine (further SMC AO), 36 recommendations of the departments NULES of Ukraine and other universities. In cooperation with SMC AO tutorials, kits of posters are created.

About 20 competitive learning materials are sent to the laboratory of teaching experience and creativity yearly, contests for the best methodological and research work are held.

College participated in surveys, contests :

  1. IIStage of XII International Competition in Ukrainian named after P. Yatsyk
  2. Regional competition of student council government of universities I-II levels of accreditation "Best Student of the Year - 2012", " To You, Ukraine, our knowledge and talents "
  3. Republican review -competition of creative student work (videos " If I were ..." in the social disciplines and humanities.
  4. Competition of students research degree and coursework on topical issues of priority ARC "Strategy 2020: rate for young people".
  5. Ukrainian video-contest " Student life is unique ."
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