Professor B.V. Lesik Department of Storage, Processing and Standardization of Plant Products

Scientific work

The directions of the scientific researches:
- improvement of technologies for post-harvest handling, storage and processing of grains, fruits and berries, potato tubers, vegetables, flax, raw materials of hop and sugar-containing raw materials;
- influence of agricultural cultivation techniques and meteorological conditions on the quality and shelf life of potato tubers, fruits, vegetables, grains and raw materials of technical crops;
- improvement of technological methods of processing fruits, berries and vegetables for obtain canned goods with high biological value;
– development of energy-saving and ecologically clean technologies for the processing of plant products with utilizing of enzymes;
– investigations of suitability of new varieties of vegetable crops for long-term storage, drying, salting and freezing;
– researches of the influence of the nutrition feeding of vegetable crops on the quality of fresh and processed products;
– harmonization of standards on the methods determination of quality indicators of grain, grain products and food concentrates;
– investigations of changes in the quality of grain (seeds) of regional varieties of wheat, rye, triticale, rapeseed, cereal crops during long-term storage;
– technologies of processing of waste of raw materials of industrial crops.
Scientific research on the initiative projects:
- "Study of the peculiarities of the biochemical composition of hop products in order to optimize the methods and regimes of their storage for effective using in brewing." Head of the project, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Аssociate Рrofessor Bober A.V.
- "Scientific substantiation and development of ecologically safe technologies of storage and processing of fruit and vegetable products." Head of the project, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Аssociate Рrofessor O.V. Zavadska.
- "Theoretical substantiation of the elements of the technology of post-harvest handling and storage of plant products". The head of the project, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Аssociate Рrofessor V. I. Voytsechivskyi.
- "Improving the technology of production of dried vegetables on the basis of the selection of suitable varieties and hybrids and regimes and parameters of their processing." Head of the project, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor S.M. Gunko.
- "Assessment of grain quality and search for ways to improve it." Head of the project Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Аssociate Рrofessor V.A. Nasikovsky.
- "Analysis and modeling of the influence of the fractional composition on the quality indicators of grain (seeds) of various crops." Head of the project, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Аssociate Рrofessor N.O. Yashchuk.
The students carry out scientific researches on the department and utilizing these results on the scientific conferences and in the own diploma theses of the "Bachelor" and "Master". The members of the "Technologist" research group, whose leader is an experienced scientist-pedagogue Nadiya Yashchuk, are actively involved in researches. Members of this researching group take part in Ukrainian and international scientific conferences, Ukrainian competition of scientific works, Festivals of student science and win prizes. Thus, in 2019, the winner of the second round of the Ukrainian competition for student scientific works in the specialty "Agronomy" was a master's, a member of the "Technologist" group Anna Kravchenko, who received a diploma of the 2nd degree. Members of the "Technologist" group took an active part in the Ukrainian charity competition "Agro-2018" and "Agro-2019" of Boris Kolesnikov. The finalist and winner two years in a row was Iryna Stetsenko, a master's degree and a member of the "Technologist" group. In 2019, she and other winners visited the international agricultural exhibition SIMA 2019 in France (Paris) at the expense of the charity fund.

The head of the "Technologist" group Nadiya Yashchuk and Master Kravchenko N.A. – winner of the second round of the Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the specialty "Agronomy", Vinnytsia, 2019

Finalist and winner of the Ukrainian charity competition "Agro-2018" and "Agro-2019" of Borysa Kolesnikova, member of the "Technologist" group Iryna Stetsenko

Members of the scientific group "Technologist"

Masters of the department are active participants and prize-winners of conferences, competitions of scientific works
The results of scientific research become the basis for the preparation of bachelor's and master's theses, are used in scientific publications, reports at poster, scientific-practical conferences held in Ukraine and abroad.
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