Staff of department
Head of department, candidate of agricultural sciences, professor, Excellence in Education and Science of Ukraine, Honored Scientific and Pedagogical Worker of NUBiP of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine
Hryhorii Podpriatov
Тел.: + 38 044 527-87-91
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
He has a higher education. Hryhorii Podpriatov graduated the Ukrainian of Order of Labor and Red Banner of the Agricultural Academy in 1983 (Kyiv) with qualification of Agronomist Scientist.
The theme of the candidate's thesis: "The influence of harvesting periods, post-harvest handling and regimes of storage on the grain quality of malting barley"; the specialty 05.18.03 – primary handling, storage of grain and other plant products.
Podpriatov H. has been working at the university since 1983. He passed the way from the head of the interdepartmental laboratory to the assistant, associate professor, professor and head of the department. He own scientific and pedagogical activity as a professor of the department of technology of storage, processing and standardization of plant products named after Prof. B.V. Lesyka started in 2001. The total scientific and pedagogical experience is 37 years. He held managerial positions at the university, including deputy of secretary of the reception committee of university (1996-1997), secretary of the reception committee of university (1998), vice-rector - chief academic secretary (1999-2006), director of the educational and scientific institute crop and soil science (2006-2008).
He was awarded by Labor Award of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine "Badge of Honor" ” (2001), Charter of Honor of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2004), Gratitude of the Mayor of Kyiv (2002, 2004), Charter of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2006), “Excellent of the Education and Science of Ukraine” (2006), “Honored Scientific and Pedagogical Worker of NUBiP of Ukraine” (2016), “Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine" (2018).
The attestation of Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science in 20 January of 2011 was awarded Hryhorii Podpriatov the academic title of Professor of the Department of Technology of Storage, Processing and Standardization of Plant Production named after Prof. B.V. Lesika.
Podpriatov Hryhorii developed and certified ENK educational disciplines: "Logistics and innovations of processing, storage and processing of plant products" for "Master" degree – 30 hours; "Technologies of storage and processing of plant products" for "Bachelor" degree – 15 hours.
He has about 267 publications: 25 educational handbook, 1 textbook, 5 monographs, 92 methodological recommendations, 124 scientific articles, 9 standard educational programs, 2 state standards of Ukraine, 5 patents.
Scientific interests are researches of the influence of growing conditions, post-harvest handling and regimes of storage on the quality and safety of plant products.
Candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor of department of storage, processing and standardization of plant products after prof. B.V. Lesik
Volodymyr Voitsekhivskiy
Тел.: +38 044 527-86-76
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
He has a higher education. Volodymyr Voitsekhivskiy graduated Uman state agrarian academy in 1997, qualification – "Agronomy".
Theme of PhD thesis is "Biochemical basis of improving technology production of table fruit wines", specialty - 05.18.03 – primary processing and storage of plant products.
He works on the department since 2001.
Volodymyr Voitsekhivskyi is author and co-author over 145 scientific publications: articles in professional journals – 43, textbooks – 9, methodological recommendations - 25, typical programs - 7, state standards - 11.
Volodymyr Voitsekhivskyi teaching the subjects of «Standardization and quality management of plant products», «Technology of storage, processing and standardization of plant product», «Standardization and law in plant protection» and "Winemaking".
He has research interests the study the biochemical composition, the effects of cultivation, post-harvest handling and storage on the changes in the quality of fresh and processing plant products.
Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of department of storage, processing and standardization of plant products after prof. B.V. Lesik
Sergiy Gunko
Тел.: + 38 044 527-86-76
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
He has a higher education. Sergiy Gunko graduated the Odessa institute of food industry in 1993, qualification – engineer- technologist.
Theme of PhD thesis is "Complex membrane technology of concentration of apple juice", specialty 05.17.18 – membranes and membrane technology.
He works at the department since 2003.
Sergiy Gunko is author and co-author over 100 scientific publications: international publications that belonging to the scientific and metric databases of Scopus and WoS - 14, articles in specialized journals - 44, educational handbooks - 2, monographs - 4, patents of Ukraine - 7, certificates of authorship - 3, DSTU - 4, SOU - 3, scientific recommendations – 4, methodological recommendations – 35.
Sergiy Gunko teaching the subjects of "Technology of crops and livestock production", "Technology of storage and processing of crop production", "Material and technical base of storage and processing of plant products”.
Scientific interests are researches of the influence factors of cultivation, post-harvest handling on grain quality, raw materials of fresh and processed of fruits and vegetables; the utilize of enzymes in the post-harvest handling and processing of various types of plant material; modern technologies of storage and processing of raw materials of grain, fruits and vegetables.
He has a higher education. Sergiy Gunko graduated the Odessa institute of food industry in 1993, qualification – engineer- technologist.
Theme of PhD thesis is "Complex membrane technology of concentration of apple juice", specialty 05.17.18 – membranes and membrane technology.
He works at the department since 2003.
Sergiy Gunko is author and co-author over 100 scientific publications: international publications that belonging to the scientific and metric databases of Scopus and WoS - 14, articles in specialized journals - 44, educational handbooks - 2, monographs - 4, patents of Ukraine - 7, certificates of authorship - 3, DSTU - 4, SOU - 3, scientific recommendations – 4, methodological recommendations – 35.
Sergiy Gunko teaching the subjects of "Technology of crops and livestock production", "Technology of storage and processing of crop production", "Material and technical base of storage and processing of plant products”.
Scientific interests are researches of the influence factors of cultivation, post-harvest handling on grain quality, raw materials of fresh and processed of fruits and vegetables; the utilize of enzymes in the post-harvest handling and processing of various types of plant material; modern technologies of storage and processing of raw materials of grain, fruits and vegetables.
Candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor of department of storage, processing and standardization of plant products after prof. B.V. Lesik
Anatoliy Bober
Тел.: + 38 044 527-86-76
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
He has a higher education. Anatoliy Bober graduated in Zhytomyr the State Agroecological Academy of Ukraine in 2001, qualification – scientist agronomist.
Theme of PhD thesis is “Change brewing qualities granulated aromatic and bitter hops varieties during storage", specialty 05.18.03 - primary processing and storage of plant products.
He works at the department since 2003.
Anatoliy Bober is author and co-author over 150 scientific publications: articles in professional journals - 80 textbooks – 1, educational handbooks - 7, monographs – 3, scientific recommendations - 3, scientific and methodological developments – 40, state standards - 8.
Anatoliy Bober teaching the subjects of "Technology of storage and processing of crop products", "Chemical Control of crop production"
Scientific interests are researches of new technologies of storage and processing of hops and hop-products.
Candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor of department of storage, processing and standardization of plant products after prof. B.V. Lesik
Oksana Zavadskaya
Тел.: + 38 044 527-86-76
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
She has a higher education. Oksana Zavadskaya graduated the National Agrarian University (Kyiv) in 1996, qualification – scientist agronomist.
Theme of PhD thesis is "Selection of assortment and improving the technology of cultivation of sweet pepper in prolonged culture winter greenhouses", specialty 06.01.06 - vegetable growing. She works at the department since 2004.
Oksana Zavadskaya is author and co-author over 150 scientific publications: articles in professional journals - 74, educational handbooks – 5, monograph – 7, scientific recommendations - 3, scientific and methodological developments – 50, state standards – 7, patents of Ukraine - 2, certificates of authorship – 3.
Oksana Zavadskaya teaching the subjects of "Technology of storage and processing of crop products", "Technology of storage and processing of fruits and vegetables", "Quality and logistics during storage and processing of fruits and vegetables".
Scientific interests are researches of the influence of factors of cultivation, post-harvest handling on the quality raw materials of fresh and processed fruits and vegetables; investigation of new technologies of storage and processing of potato tubers, fruits and vegetables.
Candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor of department of storage, processing and standardization of plant products after prof. B.V. Lesik
Volodymyr Zavgorodnyi
Тел.: + 38 044 527-86-76
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
He has a higher education. Volodymyr Zavgorodnyi graduated the National Agrarian University (Kyiv) in 2000, qualification – scientist agronomist. Theme of PhD thesis is "Optimization of technology elements of cultivation of stevia in the conditions of Forest Steppe of Ukraine", specialty 06.01.09 – plant growing. He works at the department since 2004. Volodymyr Zavgorodnyi is author and co-author over 100 scientific publications: articles in professional journals - 73, educational handbooks – 2, monograph – 3, scientific recommendations - 3, scientific and methodological developments – 37, state standards – 2. Volodymyr Zavgorodnyi teaching the subjects of "Technology of storage and processing of plant products", "Commodity of crop production", "Technological examination of crop products". Scientific interests are researches of effects of growing conditions, regimes post-harvest handling and storage on the quality and safety of plant products.
Candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor of department of storage, processing and standardization of plant products after prof. B.V. Lesik
Volodymyr Nasikovskiy
Тел.: + 38 044 527-86-76
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
He has a higher education. Volodymyr Nasikovskiy graduated the National Agrarian University (Kyiv) in 2002, qualification – scientist agronomist.
Theme of PhD thesis is "Technological properties of wheat depending on the drying and storage regimes", specialty 01.06.15 – primary processing plant products.
He works at the department since 2006.
Volodymyr Nasikovskiy is author and co-author over 28 scientific papers, articles in professional journals – 16, scientific recommendations – 2, scientific and methodological developments – 13, standards – 1.
Volodymyr Nasikovskiy teaching the subjects of "Technology of storage and processing of crop production", "Standardization and quality control of crop production".
Scientific interests are researches of effects of growing conditions, regimes post-harvest handling and storage on the quality and safety of plant products.
Candidate of agricultural sciences, senior teacher of department of storage, processing and standardization of plant products after prof. B.V. Lesik
Nadiya Yashchuk
Тел.: + 38 044 527-86-76
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
She has a higher education. Nadiya Yashchuk graduated the National Agrarian University (Kyiv) in 2005, qualification – scientist agronomist.
Theme of PhD thesis: "Technological properties of grain and flour of winter rye, depending on regime and terms of storage", the specialty 01.06.15 – primary processing plant products.
She works at the department since 2010.
Nadiya Yashchuk is author and co-author 134 scientific papers, articles in professional journals – 54, foreign editions and scientific and metric databases – 35, recommendations for manufactures – 3, scientific and methodological developments – 36, educational handbooks - 2, textbooks – 1.
Nadiya Yashchuk teaching the subjects of "Technology of storage and processing of crop production", "Technological examination of crop products", "Technological audit of storage and processing of crop products", "Quality and safety of crop products".
Scientific interests are researches of latest technologies of storage and processing of wheat, rye and maize.
Head of the Laboratory
Lesia Yablonska
Тел.: + 38 044 527-81-93
She works at the department since 2010. She graduated the Agrobiological Faculty of NULES of Ukraine.
Head of Educational and Production Laboratory Processing of Fruits and Vegetables
Kateryna Korniichuk
Тел.: + 38 044 527-86-76
She works at the department since 2015. In 2007, she graduated the Luhansk National Pedagogical University after Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko.
Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department
Valentina Novik
Тел.: + 38 044 527-81-93
She works at the department since 2010. In 2015 she graduated the Faculty of Plant Protection, Biotechnologies and Ecology of the NULES of Ukraine.
Laboratory Assistant of Department
Tkachenko Eugenia
Тел.: + 38 044 527-86-76
She works at the department since May 2014. She graduated the Faculty of Agricultural Management of NULES of Ukraine.
Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department
Iryna Gayeva
Тел.: +38 044 526 65 79