The search for new ideas and prospects for the activity of the group "Study of molecular biological mechanisms of metabolism regulation with in-depth study of English biochemical terminology"

20 грудня 2022 року

     Last week, at the meeting of the student group "Study of molecular biological mechanisms of metabolism regulation with in-depth study of English biochemical terminology", the goal of which is to deepen students' knowledge of biochemistry and simultaneously improve the level of the English language, group members discussed the successful results of their activities. In 2022, the main achievement of the group members is 1st place among the NUBiP groups at this year's Science Days Festival (;

      Gurtkivtsi P.M. Fedyshyn and D.R. Balidin took part (with payment) in the research of the National Research Council No. 110/15-pr-2020 "Development of methods and means of regulation of metabolism in the body of animals under the influence of various factors" (state registration number 0120U102130; head, Doctor of Science L. Kalachniuk ).
At the meeting of the circle, plans were discussed for the study of regulatory mechanisms in the body of animals under the influence of ecological factors in the next year, the presentation of relevant research materials in student publications.
We wish the students success in their endeavor to open new horizons of knowledge of biochemical processes, and invite to participate in the activities of the circle of its new participants.
Lilia Kalachniuk
Professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Physiology of Animals
named after Acad. Gulogo


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