Genetics, breeding and seed production named after Prof. M.O. Zelensky

History of the department

         Reading the course of plant breeding began with Professor Kolkunov V.V. At the Department of General Agriculture of the KPI agricultural department in 1912, as an independent unit, the department of breeding and seed was officially established in 1936, and was headed by Dr. Sciences, Professor Lebedev V.M. - famous geneticist and breeder, associate of Vavilova MI Development of Scientific School Lebedeva VM were associated with cytological genetic-selective studies on remote hybridization.
         Since 1948, the department has been headed by Candidate of Biological Sciences Associate Professor Pleesky P.F. In 1949. The department was annexed to the Department of Plant Physiology and Microbiology, headed by Associate Professor Zavgorodniy F.I. In 1952, the department of breeding and seed was headed by Honored Worker of Higher School, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Zelensky M.O., author of more than 100 scientific and methodological developments in the field of breeding and seed production cultures. During 1987 to 1993 the department headed the Associate Professor Cand. S.G., Parkhomenko AK, and since 1993 - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Taranenko LK. From January 1998 to 2000 the department was headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences Chugunkova TV. In 1998, the department of breeding was merged with the Department of Plant Physiology, and since January 2001 it became independent again.
       At different times, the department worked: member-Cor. Vasyl Kuzmenko MV (1981-1986), prof. Governor V.V. (1968-1998), prof. Bober AF (1994-1997).
         Since October 2000, the Department of Genetics, Breeding and Seeding, which since 2002 began to be named Prof. Zelensky MO He was headed by Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Excellence in Education of Ukraine, Associate Professor VL Zhemoid, Author of more than 180 scientific works, co-author and author of 18 hybrids and varieties of corn, sources and donors of winter wheat and rye, economic and value.
In 2011, the department was headed by Candidate of Biological Sciences Parii MF, since September 2014 - Zhmoyda VL. A new stage of development began with the involvement of modern methods of molecular genetics and biotechnology in the educational and scientific work of the department. The main directions of scientific research of scientists of the department are the development of issues of applied genetics, methods of breeding and seed production and the creation of high -yielding varieties and high -heterosic hybrids of crops.
Selection in the history of the Faculty of Agronomy
The results of the work of breeders - the anniversary of the university
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