- Головна
- History of the department
- Outstanding graduates
- Educational activities
- Selection of department
- Working training programs and syllabi of disciplines
- Practice programs
- Scientific activity
- Conferences of the department
- Educational and research laboratories
- SL "Breeding and seed production of agricultural crops"
- SL "Genetic Resources and Varietal Certification"
- "Experimental field" unit
- SL "Variety Study and Protection of Rights to Plant Varieties"
- Educational and scientific center "Modern methods of creation and identification of plant varieties"
- Demonstration collection field of agricultural crops
- Cooperation
- Postgraduate studies
- Scientific school
- Work programs and syllabi of disciplines of disciplines
- Graduate students of the department
- The project of the educational program for discussion
- Content of the educational and professional program
- To students: the procedure of forming an individual educational trajectory
- Work programs and syllabi of educational disciplines
- Educational standards
- Програма вступного випробування
- Program partners
Адреса: 03041, Kyiv, Heroiv Oborony Str.15 building 3, of. 207, building №4, rooms 55, 57, 61, 62
Тел.: (044) 527-83-26
Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Head of the department:
Oleksandr Serhiyovych Makarchuk
candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor
The department is a structural subdivision of the agrobiology faculty, it carries out all kinds of educational, scientific, scientific-methodical, cultural-educational work in the process of training specialists of the educational degrees "Bachelor" and "Master" of specialties 201 Agronomy, 202 Protection and quarantine of plants, 203 Horticulture and viticulture, educational programs "Breeding and genetics of agricultural crops".Implements the results of scientific work in the field of crop production of the agro-industrial complex; carries out training of scientific personnel through postgraduate studies; organizes students' industrial practice, conducting educational work with students and students of the University, carries out other activities in accordance with the Statute of NUBiP of Ukraine.

Currently, pedagogical and scientific work at the department is carried out by: the head of the department, candidate of agricultural sciences Makarchuk O.S., doctor of agricultural sciences, professor Melnychuk T.M., honored scientific and pedagogical worker of NUBiP, associate professor, candidate of agricultural sciences Zhemoida V.L., Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences H.M. Kovalishyna, Associate Professor, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Fedelesh-Gladinets M.I., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Honors in Education of Ukraine N.V. Bashkirova, Associate Professor, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Tkachyk S.O. senior lecturer, candidate of agricultural sciences O.A. Zinchenko, senior lecturer, candidate of agricultural sciences E.V. Zayika, associate professor Yu.M. Dmytrenko, assistant R.O. Spryazka,
assistant I.V. Havryliuk