Адреса: 03041, Kyiv, str. Polkovnyka Potehina, 16, educational building No. 12, block A, room Nos. 301A - 320A
Тел.: (044) 527-89-22, (044) 527-88-56
Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Head of department:
Melnyk Volodymyr Vasyliovych
Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor
The Department of Epizootology, Microbiology and Virology, as a separate structural unit, was created in March 2020 by merging the Department of Epizootology and the Organization of Veterinary Affairs with the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Biotechnology. Both departments were founded simultaneously with the establishment of the Kyiv Veterinary and Zootechnical Institute (1922).
Consulting and preparatory courses for external examinations. Details by phone +38(067)766-47-53
The priority directions are:
• organizing and carrying out educational, scientific, scientific-methodical and cultural-educational work with full-time students, students of the faculty of professional development and retraining of specialists in the agro-industrial and environmental protection fields due to cooperation with other units of the University that provide educational activities;
• training, retraining and advanced training of veterinary medicine specialists and scientific and pedagogical workers according to the profile of the department;
• teaching students the fundamental principles and applied aspects of microbiology, virology and biotechnology;
• creation, systematic updating and improvement of the educational and laboratory base, research methods and technical teaching aids, computerization and informatization of the educational process in the disciplines of epizootology, infectious diseases, organization of veterinary management and marketing in the field of veterinary medicine;
• the organization of the educational process aimed at the training of highly qualified specialists who organically combine high general education with deep theoretical and professional knowledge, are widely erudite in matters of world and national culture, possess the skills of continuous spiritual and physical improvement, individual and collective professional activity, as well as public work;
• study of topical issues related to animal health, quality and safety of livestock products,
• organization and implementation of innovative, scientific, research and publishing activities.
Along with the teaching work, the employees of the department fruitfully work on solving the most pressing problems of the field of veterinary medicine - prevention and treatment of infectious diseases of animals, birds, fish, bees, gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases of newborn young animals, infectious diseases of domestic animals by searching, developing, designing and introduction into the production of new antimicrobial, biological preparations and disinfectants.