Department of Veterinary epidemiology and animal health

Scientific work of Students

   Knowledge development of students is very important in our department. Nowadays we have eight optional scientific circles for students:
-    Biotechnology in Veterinary Medicine (Ihnatovska M.)
-    Epizootiology and Infectious diseases (doc. Martyniyk O)
-    Veterinary Virology (prof. Radzyhovsky M.L)
-    Veterinary Microbiology (PhD. Vyhovska L.M)
-    Microbiology of livestock products (doc. Melnyk M.V.)
-    Organization and economy of Veterinary Medicine (Zhukovsky M.O.)
-    Sanitary and food microbiology (doc. Kozlovska H.V.)
-    Agricultural microbiology (prof. Yablonska O.V.)
   The purpose of these circles is to create favorable conditions for the active involvement of students in scientific activities, to realize their scientific and creative potential in the field of microbiology, virology, biotechnology, immunology, epizootiology, infectious diseases of animals, organization, and economics of veterinary medicine, management and marketing in veterinary medicine, starting and developing their own business, involving them in participation in scientific congresses, seminars, scientific research projects.
    Students who participate in these workshops can take part in scientific conferences, and competitions for student scientific works, and publish research results in professional publications. Every year, about 25-35 students complete and successfully defend master's theses, and the best of them have already become postgraduate students of the department.

PhD. in Veterinary medicine, former of the Scientific Circle
Martyniyk Oleksandr Hryhorovych
    The Student Scientific Circle on Epizootology and Infectious Diseases of the Department of Epizootiology and Organization of Veterinary Affairs of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine is a voluntary scientific association of students, created with the involvement of the organization and promotion of their research, development and invention activities.
    Initially, it was a meeting of a group of students of a certain specialty who expressed a desire to create a circle. Then the circle was created on the basis of the decision of the General Assembly of students and by order of the rector dated July 12, 2010 No. 656.
The circle operates on the principles of voluntariness, equality of all its members, self-government, legality, and transparency. The activity of the group is governed by the current legislation of Ukraine, the Statute of the University, and these Regulations.


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