Faculty of Information Technologies

International activity and partners

The international activity of the faculty is aimed at participating in international projects (programs), exhibitions, seminars, conferences, scientific and foreign publications.
The main areas of international activity of the faculty are:

  • Involvement of students to participate in international educational programs with the direct participation of partner universities: organization and participation in international projects, conferences, workshops in cooperation with the University of Wroclaw (including the Center for Distance Learning).
  • Creation of study programs for students with a double diploma: application for the creation of a program for training students in the field of computer science and the corresponding faculty of the Slovak University of Technology (Bratislava).
  • Involvement of foreign experts from different fields: organization of a joint project on the design of integrated systems for the needs of agriculture (Faculty of Information Technologies, NUBiP of Ukraine and Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences).
  • Improvement of the methodological basis of international cooperation in order to ensure interaction with foreign universities: presentation of the master's english study program for the preparation of masters of the specialty "Economic Cybernetics" with the Warsaw University of Life Sciences.
  • Establishing links with related educational institutions of other countries for cooperation in educational, scientific and methodological work: establishing cooperation with the Slovak University of Technology (Bratislava).
  • Implementation of Erasmus + student mobility program.
  • Development of partnership in the agro-industrial and environmental spheres, the field of life sciences between domestic and foreign institutions and organizations: joint scientific projects and communications with FAO representatives.
  • Ensuring participation of scientists of the University in international scientific programs, projects in order to use the results of joint activities in the domestic and international markets of science-intensive products: organization of international conferences on the basis of NUBiP of Ukraine and partner universities; shared posts.
  • Participation in joint international projects, conferences, symposiums and round tables: participation in international projects, conferences, symposiums.
  • The international activity of the faculty is aimed at participation in international projects (programs), exhibitions, seminars, conferences, increase of scientific publications in foreign publications.

Participation in international conferences, symposiums, seminars and exhibitions in 2016 was:

1. International events (conferences, seminars, workshops) with departure abroad:

  • The 2nd Innovation Forum "45 Degrees of the Northern Latitude" within the framework of the Sixth Harbin International Exhibition of Scientific and Technological Achievements of the People's Republic of China. (Harbin);
  • The first Harbin Ukrainian-Chinese Conference on Economic and Scientific and Technical Cooperation, Harbin;
  • International Conference "Innovations in Economic Development" (May 17-19, 2016, Tbilisi, Georgia);
  • International conference "Technical and natural aspects in construction and environmental engineering", Warsaw University of Life Sciences (06.06.2016, Warsaw, Poland);
  • International conference "Factors of ecological safety and sustainable global development for a person-family-society", Israeli cultural center (06.12.2016, Tel Aviv, Israel);
  • Participation in the Seminar on Technologies and Good Practices in the Bologna Process Strategy implementation, University 3.0, University of Economics in Katowice (Poland);

2. Participation in international conferences without a trip abroad:

  • International scientific and practical conference "Institutionalization of the processes of European integration: society, economy, administration", 21-22.04.2016, m. Rivne;
  • International scientific and practical conference "Modeling of socio-economic processes: regional and sectoral aspects", 12-13.05.2016, city of Drohobych;
  • 155th EAAE Seminar & VII Large Farm Management Conference. "Structure changes analyzes in agriculture", September 20, 2005, Kyiv;
  • International scientific and practical conference "Agrarian Policy of Ukraine in the context of global food, financial and economic challenges", devoted to the 65th anniversary of the Faculty of Economics of NUBiP of Ukraine, 20-21.10.2016, Kyiv;
  • International scientific and practical conference "Mechanisms, Strategies, Models and Technologies of Management of Economic Systems under Integration Processes: Theory, Methodology, Practice", June 6-8, 2005, Khmelnytsky;
  • XXVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and Prospects of Innovation Development", April 15-16, Kyiv;
  • International scientific and practical conference "Modernization of information and resource provision of educational space of educational institutions", 5.05.2016, Kyiv;
  • International conference on the use of ICT in education, research and industrial applications 12th International conference ICTERI 2016, 15-16.06.2016, Kyiv;
  • VII World Congress "Aviation in the XXI century - safety in aviation and space technologies", 19-20.09.2016, Kyiv;
  • VII International Forum "Innovation in Modern Education", 25-2710.2016, Kyiv.

3. Online participation in international conferences:

  • International scientific and practical conference "Economics. Management. Modern problems and prospects of development. / Economy. Making up The widespread problem is looking ahead. "Krakow / Kraków, Poland, 29-30 April, 2011, Krakow, Poland;
  • International scientific and practical conference "Economics. Management. Theoretical and practical aspects of the development of modern science / Economy. Making up Theoretical and practical aspects of the development of the ward scholars »Częstochowa / Czestochowa (PL), June 29-30, 06, Czestochowa, Poland;
  • International scientific and practical conference Economics. Management. Scientific achievements, achievements, offers / Economy. Making up Come on at the opening ceremony, in Warsaw, Warsaw on May 29-30, 2016, in Warsaw, Poland.


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