Department of Agrosphere Ecology and Environmental Control

Educational work

Typical applications:
  1. Sozinov OO, Bilyavskaya GA, Ridey NM Agroecology. Study subjects for agricultural higher educational institutions of III-IV accreditation levels of specialization 7,070,801 - "Ecology and Environment", 7,130,101 - "Agrochemistry and Soil", Kyiv. - "High School" in 1999. - 2 p.
  2. Kavetsky VM, Makarenko, NA, LI Bagel Environmental Toxicology. Study subjects for agricultural higher educational institutions of III-IV accreditation levels of specialization 7,070,801 - "Ecology and Environment" 7.0808.14 - "Agroecology", Kyiv. - "High School", 2000. - 2 p.
  3. Tsarenko PM, Burda RI, Hryroha IM, Yakubenko BM, Tsarenko OM Kotyuk LA Biogeography. Study subjects for agricultural higher educational institutions of III-IV accreditation levels of direction 0708 - Ecology (06.070800 specialty - "Ecology and Environment"), Kyiv. - "Agricultural Education", 2003. - 10 p.
  4. Ridey NM, Donghae OL, Borisyuk BV, Kharchishin VT, Golik YS, Illyash OE, Chesanov LG Environmental audit and inspection. Study subjects for agricultural higher education II-IV levels of accreditation direction 0708 - Ecology (06.070800 specialty - "Ecology and Environment"), Kyiv. - "Agricultural Education", 2004. - 12 p.
  5. Sozinov OO, Bilyavskaya GA, Ridey NM, Donghae OL, Nahorniuk OM Borisyuk BV, VP Feshchenko General ecology. Study subjects for agricultural higher education II-IV levels of accreditation direction 0708 - Ecology (06.070800 specialty - "Ecology and Environment"), Kyiv. - "Agricultural Education", 2004. - 20 p.
  6. Burda RI, Kolomiets LP, Trofimov AV, BV Borisyuk Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Study subjects for agricultural higher education II-IV levels of accreditation direction 0708 - Ecology (06.070800 specialty - "Ecology and Environment"), Kyiv. - "Agricultural Education", 2004. - 8 p.
  7. Nadtochy PP, hunting TN, MO Klimenko, Bulygin S., Balayev AD, MK Shykula Ridey NM, Donghae AL Protection and rational use of natural resources and land reclamation. Study subjects for agricultural higher education II-IV levels of accreditation direction 0708 - Ecology (06.070800 specialty - "Ecology and Environment"), Kyiv. - "Agricultural Education", 2004. - 12 p.
  8. Bilyavskaya GA, Ridey NM Bogolyubov VM Nahorniuk OM Borisyuk BV, Ivashchenko IV, Kotyuk LA Fundamentals of Environmental Education and Culture. Study subjects for agricultural higher educational institutions of III-IV accreditation levels of direction 0708 - Ecology (06.070800 specialty - "Ecology and Environment"), Kyiv. - "Agricultural Education", 2004. - 10 p.
  9. Makarenko, NA, Ridey NM, Naumovski OI Palamarchuk SP, Makarenko V., Bondar VI, Trofimov AV, BV Borisyuk Nikolaenko and . B., SV Skrypnichenko Environmental impact assessment. Study subjects for Bachelor direction 6.040106 "Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Nature" in higher agricultural education institutions II-IV accreditation of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, Kyiv. - "Agricultural Education", 2008. - 14 p.

Department creates environmentally focused outlook agrosphere environmentally oriented management and implementation of environmental control in the context of environmental imperative. The Department is issuing, the staff has trained EQL "Bachelor" and "Master" Educational and methodical activity mainly at the Faculty of Ecology and Biotechnology of direction 0708 "Ecology", the specialty 6.070800, 7.070800, 8.070800 "Ecology and Environment "three specializations -" Environmental management in the agricultural domain: monitoring, certification, examination, "" Environmental management and policy, "" Ecology of Water Resources agrosphere "(with ERC science of natural and humanitarian NUBiP ERI) and direction 0929" Biotechnology "specialty 6.092900 "Ecobiotechnology." In addition, members of the department engaged in training activities at the Faculty of Agronomy specialties 6.130100 "Agriculture", "Breeding, Genetics Crop", "Horticulture and viticulture", "Plant Protection"; ahrohimservisu and Soil specialty 6.130101 "Ahrohimservis", "Soil Protection ", Landscape Architecture, specialty 8.130402" Landscape Gardening ", Energy and Automation specialties 6.092500" Automatic process control, "6.090600" Electrical Systems and Power Consumption, "6.080400" Information Control Systems and Technologies, "6.091900" Energy farm production "; Mechanical Engineering Department of the specialties 6.100404" Organization of transport and traffic management, "6.100401" Organization regulation of traffic. " The Department provides several blocks of subjects, chief among which are environmental control units and Ecology agrosphere. Also taught regulatory professionally oriented disciplines, including English. The Department is curated training in research and production orientation Masters programs "Systems analysis of environmental quality and environmental safety" and "Ecology and environment" respectively; coordinator Masters programs specialty "specific categories" for expert, managerial and educational aspirations (as a member separate master's program). The teaching staff of the department, is currently actively working on adapting international master's programs in the faculties NUBiP, according to the EU in the context of the Bologna process. Practical training is provided mainly in basic farm NUBiP NDH "Velykosnitynske" them. O. Muzychenko VP "Ahrostantsiya" NSC biology subtropical plants and landscape ecology within NDBS UAAS Crimea. Department training graduate students in specialty 03.00.16 - "Ecology" (agricultural and biological sciences).Educational complexes with regulatory and professionally-oriented disciplines, namely:

 - for educational qualification "Bachelor" specialty "Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Nature":

  1. Agroecology
  2. Cartographic methods in ecology
  3. Environmental audit and inspection
  4. Introduction to the profession
  5. Ecotoxicology
  6. Fundamentals of Agricultural Ecology
  7. Environmental certification areas and businesses
  8. Protection and rational use of natural resources and land reclamation
  9. Terrestrial Ecosystems and biomonitoring methods
  10. Landscape ecology
  11. Reserve business
  12. Environmental Safety
  13. Rationing anthropogenic impact on the environment
  14. Ecology of urban systems
  15. Environmental impact assessment
  16. Ecology for professional orientation
  17. HIT and ecological indicator

 - for educational kvalafikatsiynoho of "Master" specialty "Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Nature":

  1. Recent developments in Agroecology
  2. Methods and Research
  3. Environmental Management and Audit
  4. Environmental policy
  5. Problems of environmental safety and the modern concept of nature
  6. Environmental standards and certification
  7. Environmental impact assessment in agriculture
  8. Agroecological monitoring and certification of
  9. Environmental inspection
  10. Ekosystemolohiya
  11. Environmental management in agriculture
To Applicants (синій)Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)

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