Automation and Robotic Systems named by I. Martynenko


 In April of 1974 the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR issued a decree on the establishment of the Department of Automation of Agricultural Production (DAAP) of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy (UAA). And October 22, 1974 Rector of UAA V. Yurchyshyn signed a decree on the establishment of the DAAP with the Head of Department - Prof. Ivan Martynenko, acting Associate Professor - Ph.D. Y. Timoshenko and Assistant Professor V. Marchenko.

Head of the laboratories was appointed M. Bezkrovnyy, academic master – V. Kolisnychenko. The Department was charged with the class of 5 subjects. In addition, course and degree planning, training and work placements and more.
At the beginning the Department was provided with two rooms at Building No. 1 (room 71 and room 71A), total area of 63 square meters. At the time the Department developed the State Scientific Program "Development of automatic climate control in agricultural production areas," that is why most of theses were devoted to this problem.
In 1978, the first issue of electromechanical engineers of automation in agricultural production took place.
In 1978, one of the first textbooks approved by Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR "Course and graduation thesis development on integrated electrification and automation in agriculture" was published (Moscow: Kolos, 1978. - 230 p. By - I. Martynenko , L. Tishchenko).
In 1979, a significant event took place in training electrical engineers. January 30, 1979 the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR issued a decree concerning the creation of the Faculty of Automatics of Agriculture Production of UAA. Dean of the Faculty was appointed Assistant Professor (now Professor of NULES) T. Reznichenko, Deputy Dean – Assistant Professor B. Golovinskyy. In the structure of the Faculty were Department of Automation of Agricultural Production, Department of Mathematics, Department of Physics, Department of Labour Protection, Department of Drawing, Department of Heat Engineering and Hydraulics. They were geographically located at Building No. 1.
This Faculty lasted 7 years and was marked by great activity of the educational work. Were held annually holiday – The Faculty Day, was organized instrumental ensemble.
During 1980 - 1985 5 textbooks and several monographs were published. The staff of teachers was 9-10 people.
In 1986, the specialty 1515 "Automation of Agricultural Production" and the specialty 1510 "Electrification of Agricultural Production" were merged and there was the specialty 3114 "Electrification and Automation of Agricultural Production." It was made a new curriculum, which included three specializations: "Electrification of Agriculture", "Automation of Agricultural Production", "Energy-supply of Agriculture."
In the 1986-1990 academic years teachers of the Department carried out annually over 10 thousand hours of studies. Department staff at that time consisted of 11 teachers.
The main subjects of the Department were: " Automatic Control Theory", "Electronics", "Means of Automation and Remote Control", "Control Instrumentation", "Automation of Technological Processes," "Design of Automation Systems" , "Construction, Installation and Operation of Automatic Systems", "Basic Automation", "Microprocessors".
The Department was equipped with and operated the following laboratories: the display class, laboratory of electronics, laboratory of automation and technical fundamentals of automation, laboratory of process automation, laboratory of microprocessor technology.
Since 1991 graduation of engineers in automation of agricultural production started.
In the second half of the 90th agriculture because of reviving poultry, livestock systems and greenhouse plants had need in specialists of computer technology and automation systems. Associate Professors B. Golovinskyy and A. Gladkyy developed a curriculum and other documents authorized to prepare the state order of one group of specialists in 0925 "Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies", specialty "Automated Control of Technological Processes." Graduating department for this specialty due to decision of the Academic Council was DAAP. In 1999, the first set of the new specialty was made.
In 2000, DAAP was moving to Building No. 11. Total floor area is 482 m2.
In 2001, the department was headed by Professor Vitaliy Lysenko, who was then head of the Academic Department of National Agricultural University (former UAA).

Based on the conclusion of the Expert Committee of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 10 June 10, 2003 certificate of accreditation of the direction 0925 "Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies", specialty "Automated Control of Technological Processes" up to July 1, 2008 was issued.
In 2003-2004 training complexes, methodical and laboratory support of 15 new subjects of the curriculum for training students of qualification level Specialist and Master were developed.
Based on the conclusion of the Expert Committee and the decision of State Accreditation Commission of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the decree № 336 from 26.04.2004 was issued concerning the granting for National Agricultural University the license (AA No. 903126) to provide educational services related to obtaining higher education at the level of qualification requirements for Bachelor and Master's (including foreigners) of the direction 0925 "Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies", specialty "Automated Control of Technological Processes."
In 2009, the Department was renamed. Nowadays there is the Department of Department of Automation and Robotic Systems named after Academician Ivan Martynenko.

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