History of department
History of department
The Department of Education is part of the Natural and humanitarian ESI NUBiP Ukraine is a center for training teachers of higher agricultural education, improving teacher skills and culture of teachers who do not have basic teacher education.
It was established in August 1963 , its founder became a doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Alexander Panteleimonovich Kondratiuk .

The Pedagogical Faculty in 1987. 1st row ( left to right ):
K. Kwasniewski, S. Tatkova , O. Gumeniuk, Khmelnitsky , I. Khomenko
A. Demin . 2nd row: Dolinsky, Y. Nightingale , V. Ilyin , Y. Kobzunenko ,
R. Balan , A. Rublev , O. Bernova , V. Shvidkiy , O. Zaec.
The department and its teaching kabinetet were a center to provide teacher education faculty of agricultural colleges not only in Ukraine but also in other republics of the former Soviet Union. In addition , it is the Department of Education in the late 70s was initiated training of graduate students and doctoral students in the fields "Theory and History of Education ," "Teaching special subjects ", " Theory and Methods of Professional Education ", and later led its leading scientists specialized academic Council for defense of theses. Through the efforts of researchers Department - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Paul N. Oleynik, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Charles O. Kwasniewski , candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Helena Kyrychuk, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor Vladimir V. Swift, candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent Rimy Romanova Balan - were obtained significant results in the field of agricultural psycho- pedagogy , which contributed to the opening of new departments faculty of Education - Department of technical training, training methods department , and later the Department of Psychology.

Since 1976 the department were well-known scientists , teachers , professors Dmitri Avksentiyovych Smetanin , Alexander A. Gumeniuk, Anatoly Demin, Peter G. Luzan , Associate Professor Andrey Kalensky .
Now the department is headed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Ruslan V. Sopivnyk .
Now the Department of Education is a graduation for students of "Pedagogy of higher school " students of specialty "Professional Education" . Teachers of the department are actively involved in the seminar " Methods of educational work mentor first-year student group NUBiP Ukraine ", " Innovative teaching activities focus " and " psycho- pedagogical foundations of vocational education ", dealing with academic problems improving training of highly Agricultural School to provide leadership aspirants .