Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy

The history of the Faculty

History of the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy

Teacher training at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine dates back to the first half of the last century, when the development of agriculture in Ukraine brought forth the demand for skilled teaching staff and organization of agricultural education.
From the letter of Deputy Minister of Education in his letter to the Kyiv District Executive Committee wrote:

“The rise of agricultural production is inseparable linked with the development of agricultural education and first of all the development of higher school. New teaching methods are based on the principle of broad participation in production and require corresponding basis for providing efficient training in agricultural education and science.”



The Institute was located on the territory of the educational building 4 of the modern NUBiP of Ukraine. The directors of the institute were: Pasichnyk P.M. (1930-1931), Levchuk D.V. (1931-1933). The well-known professors worked at the Institute: Zakluzhsky R.R., Lehtman B.I., Musychenko O.F., Nyzhnyk B.M., Pelekh P.M., Sydoryak S.A., Filipovsky A.K. In 1933-1934 there were 275 students in Kyiv Agro-Pedagogical Institute..





The pedagogical faculty was founded in 1963. Its mission was to train teachers for secondary specialized agricultural educational institutions of Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova. The first dean of the faculty was PG Rusakov.

Location of the Kyiv Agro-Pedagogical Institute
(now the building number 4) 1930-1932


1963-1966 - Professor P. Rusakov
1966-1989 - Professor I. Khomenko
1989-1996 - Professor I. Kravets
1996-2001 – PhD in physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor VG Slyusarenko
2001-2002 – PhD in pedagogy, associate professor T.O. Grabovska
2002-2005 - Doctor in pedagogy, professor P. Luzan
2005-2008 - PhD in physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor N.G. Batechko
2008-2009 - Doctor in pedagogy, associate professor V. Svystun 
2009-2014 - PhD in pedagogy, associate professor R. Tarasenko

2014-2021 - Doctor in philology, professor V. Shynkaruk
2021 -
PhD in philosophy, associate professor I. Savytska

The Faculty had two departments with a one-year full-time training course and a two-year part-time program. The faculty trained teachers in six specialties: agronomy, zootechnics, mechanization, electrification, economics and agriculture and accounting. After graduating from the faculty, the students were qualified as teachers of the chosen specialty in agricultural colleges and rural vocational schools. In 1963-1973, the faculty graduated 1,537 specialists.

In 1963, the faculty launched specialist retraining program and the second higher education degree in specialty "Professional Education". Today, the faculty provides specialist retraining in "Vocational education" on the basis of higher education and the following qualifications: engineer-teacher, economist-teacher, zoo-engineer-teacher, veterinary medicine-teacher, land surveyor-teacher (since 2009).

Since 1970, the faculty has been providing preparatory courses for applicants to the university. At present, the preparatory department is preparing students for successful completion of tasks in academic subjects in the centers of independent testing.

Since 1996, the faculty provided advanced training of the teaching and scientific staff for a certain period.

Later, in 2002, the pedagogical faculty became a structural unit of the Education and Research Institute of Natural Sciences and Humanities. The faculty graduated bachelors and masters in specialty "Social pedagogy" and "Philology (Translation)". In 2005, the faculty launched master's course in specialty "Pedagogy of Higher School" for entrants with basic specialist education and awards qualification "teacher of a higher educational institution".

In 2014, after structural reorganization, the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy was formed which consists of 12 departments: English for Technical and Agrobiological Specialties, English Philology, Foreign Philology and Translation, History and Political Science, Cultural Studies, Teaching Methods and Management of Educational Institutions, Pedagogy, Romance and Germanic Languages ​​and Translation, Social Pedagogy and Information Technologies in Education, Social Work and Psychology, Ukrainian and Classical Languages, Philosophy. In 2017, the Department of Physical Education was incorporated into the faculty.

The faculty prepares candidates and doctors of pedagogical sciences for the specialties "Educational, pedagogical sciences", "Vocational education", "History and archaeology", "Philosophy". There is a specialized academic council for the defense of candidate and doctoral theses in the specialties: 13.00.02 «Theory and methods of training (agricultural disciplines)», 13.00.04 «Theory and methodology of vocational education», 13.00.07 «Theory and methodology of education».

The faculty successfully accredited the following specialties:Philology. German Language and Literature (Translation), Social Work, Educational Pedagogical Sciences (Higher Education Pedagogy), Management (Management of Educational Institution), and obtained permission to conduct educational activities related to higher education in accordance with the requirements and standards of higher education, as well as state requirements for personnel, scientific-methodical, material and technical support.

In 2017, under the leadership of the dean prof. V.D. Shynkaruk the faculty  analysed the labor market and the market for educational services in the region as for the needs of employers in relevant specialists, and the demand for certain educational services.

In the framework of the cooperation agreement between NUBiP Ukraine and IATEFL Ukraine (Ukrainian Branch of the International Association of EFL Teachers), an annual national conference "22nd Annual National IATEFL Ukraine Conference" was held at the University.

Highly skilled teaching staff, modern material and technical base, advanced teaching methods, as well as the wide use of the latest IT provide the high quality of education. 85% of the faculty have academic degrees.
The fundamental feature of the faculty's activity is the focus on specialties which are in demand in the labour market, double diploma programs, obtaining profound professional, informational and legal knowledge by students, in-depth study of foreign languages, internship at leading national and foreign institutions.

The faculty provides teaching of professional disciplines in a foreign language to form a graduate's competitiveness in the labour market. Together with a state-recognized diploma, graduates receive a certificate of the level of foreign language proficiency.

Of great importance is the organization of research work within the framework of the implementation of fundamental and theoretical studies in the field of pedagogy, philology, sociology, history, philosophy, cultural studies and political science. The results are widely implemented in teaching practice and are published in the magazines indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, Index Copernicus, etc.

Scientists and the teaching staff develop the projects financed by the state, among them: "Development of the new concept of foreign language training of various categories of adults in the process of non-formal education" (scientific advisor – Doctor in Pedagogy, professor L.V. Viktorova); "Development of the up-to-date principles for creation of a register of valuable plants in parks and squares in Kyiv on the basis of terminology standards" (scientific advisor - Doctor in Philology, Professor V.D. Shynkaruk).

There are many scientific schools functioning at the faculty, in particular, "Management of innovative development of education of Ukraine in the context of world integration processes", Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAPS Ukraine S.M. Nikolaenko; "Actual problems of categorical grammar", doctor of philological sciences, professor V.D. Shinkaruk; "Actual problems of education of future specialists in the agro-industrial sector" Prof. R.V. Sopivnyk; "Actual Problems of Philosophy of Science and Innovation Development in the System of Modern Education" Professor L. A. Chekal; "Theoretical and methodological basis of managerial training of specialists for the agrarian sector of the economy" Professor V.M. Shmargun; "Actual problems of vocational training of future teachers of higher educational institutions" Professor V.I. Kovalchuk; "Comparative Studies in Vocational Education" Professor S.M. Amelina, "Development of the new concept of foreign language training of various categories of adults in the process of non-formal education" Professor L.V. Viktorova.

A new direction of scientific research was launched and created on the basis of the Center for the spiritual revival and healing of people and the environment. This topic has become the theme of the annual international scientific and practical seminar "Development of the higher spiritual needs of the individual in the context of formation of a healthy lifestyle".

 International and Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences play an important role in improving the quality of educational services. The faculty received positive feedback on the conferences "Dialogue of Cultures: Ukraine - Greece", "Development of Modern Education: Theory, Practice, Innovations", "Communicative Discourse: Scientific Reception and Research Strategies", "The Phenomenon of Mykhailo Hrushevsky as a Stateman, Scientist, and Citizen" "Human, society, state in the philosophical discourse: history and modernity".


International cooperation, participation in the international educational and research projects is one of the priorities in the activity of the faculty which aims to enhance the image of the national and international education and science in order to expand the opportunities for students to acquire education and gain world professional experience, develop their intercultural communication; implementation of scientific research and best practices of the world educational systems; adaptation of the teaching content to international standards. At present, the faculty successfully co-operates with higher educational institutions in the leading countries of the world: USA, Great Britain, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Greece, Japan, Poland, India, Czech Republic, Turkey,


1) double degree programs    2) teacher’s internship abroad      3) six-month student educational program at the expense of host university     4) staff exchange      

Considerable attention is paid to the organization of learning, cultural and educational activities and leisure of students, their spiritual and physical development in order to prepare them for productive and social activities. There are public cultural organizations functioning at the faculty: Stanislav Semenovsky folk song and dance ensemble "Kolos", brass band, women's club "Harmony", folk theater, studio of ballroom dance "Charivnist", music lounge "Zolota Lyra", choreographic ensemble "Divoche Suziria", the vocal ensemble 'Octava', the academic choral group, the local lore club 'Culture of your region', the art studio “Holosiyevo palette”, amateur theatre “Melpomena”,  clubs “The Art of Serving”, 'Charismatic Speaker ","Decorative floristry".

Today the graduates of the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy occupy various pedagogical, scientific and managerial positions in all regions of Ukraine. The faculty is proud of its graduates.

Stanislav M. Nikolayenko

Graduated from the university in 1980 (at that time, the pedagogical faculty of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy), a Ukrainian politician and public figure. Rector of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine (2005-2007), former People's Deputy of Ukraine, Chairman of the Public Council of Educators and Scientists of Ukraine, Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine.

S.Nikolayenko initiated some state programs in education and science. He is the author of 11 books, among them: "Innovative development of vocational education in Ukraine", "Scientific research at universities - a determining factor of the education quality increase", "Education in the innovative development of society", "Strategy for the development of education in Ukraine: the beginning of the XXI century». Author and co-author of over 100 scientific and methodological works, publications on pedagogy.


Andriy F. Golovchuk

Graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy in 1976 (at that time - the pedagogical faculty of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy). Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Environmental Sciences, Academician of the International Academy of Technical Education, Excellence in Education of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Excellence in Technical Service of Ukraine. Rector of Uman National University of Horticulture (2008-2012)  

Olga I. Shcherbak

Graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy in 1990 (at that time - the pedagogical faculty of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy). Director of Kyiv Professional and Pedagogical College named after. A.Makarenko, doctor of pedagogical sciences, correspondent member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, teacher of higher category, teacher-methodologist "Excellence in public education of the Ukrainian SSR", "Honored Worker of National Education of Ukraine", awards: "Order of Princess Olga III degree" "Honorary Worker of Tourism of Ukraine", "A Sign of Honour".


Ivan S. Kosenko

Graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy in 1971 (at that time - the pedagogical faculty of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy). Director of the National Dendrology Park "Sofiyivka" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine, Professor of Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna



Oleksandr O. Ivashchenko

Graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy in 1978 (at that time - Pedagogical Faculty of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy). Member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Academician-Secretary of the Plant Department of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, Honored Worker of Agriculture.

Vasyl S. Lukach Stepanovich

Graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy in 1977 (at that time - Pedagogical Faculty of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy). Director of the Separated Subdivision of NULES of Ukraine "Nizhyn Agrotechnical Institute", candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Honored Worker of National Education of Ukraine, Excellence in Education of Ukraine, Excellence in Agrarian Education and Science.


Vasil F. Dmytryshyn

Graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy in 1977 (at that time - Pedagogical Faculty of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy). Director of Stryi Agrarian College of Lviv National Agrarian University, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), associate professor, Honored Worker of Agriculture of Ukraine.



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