Problems and methods of accounting, control and analysis



Derevianko Svetlana
PhD, assistant professor of accounting and taxation

The department of accounting and taxation valid scientific group "Problems and methods of accounting, control and analysis", which during the 2015-2016 academic year .
One of the important directions of the Department is a scientific training of students which are able to master complex issues in economic science. Areas of work with students include:
- research topics of the department;
- participation in scientific conferences, round tables, seminars with a presenting results of research;
- preparation of theses and articles on the results of research;
- participation in student research;
- implementation of research projects.
During the 2016-2017 academic year these measures took place:
1. IV National Scientific Student Conference "Modern financial policy in Ukraine: problems and prospects" which took place 23th November 2016 at the Faculty of Information Technology and Management in Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. The conference brings together students of leading educational institutions of Ukraine: Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev National University of Technology and Design, University College of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Lutsk National Technical University, Chernihiv national technological University, Kherson national technical University. 5-year student of the specialty "Accounting and Taxation" of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Olha Olkhovyk (Head of the Research – Associate Professor S. Derevyanko)have been speaking on the topic "Problems and Prospects IFRS in Ukraine and in the world ". She have won in the award criteria "The relevance of scientific research".
2. 70th Ukrainian student scientific and practical conference "Social and economic development of agricultural production in Ukraine" (24th November 2016) which took place at the Faculty of Economics of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. During the conference held plenary and breakout sessions that were held at a high scientific and theoretical level, with debate and with great students interest. Students speeches were accompanied by poster presentations, each of them presented the results of their work, answered committee members’ and audience’s questions. The conference had a controversial nature. A lot of important issues of accounting, tax, audit and analysis in conditions of international integration were discussed. Considering the elements of scientific novelty in the reports were selected the winners:
1st place - Valentina Vovchenko with the topic “The bookkeeping improvement of financial results” (Head of the Research - Associate Professor O.Hanyaylo);
2nd place - Juliana Potsilui “The features display of employee benefits in the tax reporting” (Head of the Research - Associate Professor O. Boyarova);
3rd place - Maryna Shpak “The problems and the ways to improve the payments from buyers and customers” (Head of the Research - Associate Professor S. Derevyanko);
3. The Ukrainian competition of degree works among the students of higher educational institutions on a specialty "Accounting and Taxation" which took place on 29th November 2016 in Zhytomyr State Technological University. Considering the open discussion and evaluation of degree works (Bachelor qualification level) Competition Commission decided to grant Kateryna Modlia (Head of the Research - Professor E. Kalyuha) by a I degree Diploma.
4. VIII International scientific conference of young scientists, postgraduates and students "Modern problems and prospects of accounting, analysis and control in a globalized economy"" which took place on 3rd December 2016 in the Lutsk National Technical University. The session traditionally held in a plenary meetings and a meetings of scientific sections.
The student of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine 1-year Master of specialty "Accounting and Taxation" Olha Olkhovyk was awarded by a I Degree Diploma for the leadership position in solving scientific questions in the category “A professional of the Future“ with the report "The national practice and international experience in account receivable”'(Head of the Research - Assistant Professor S. Derevyanko).
5. IV Ukrainian competition of students' scientific works "IFRS: international and national practice, results and prospects" (17th December 2016). One of the 6 finalists became a student of the Faculty of Economics of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Tetyana Cherednik (Head of the Research - Assistant Professor N.Kuzyk). She carried out the presentation of scientific achievements by the topic "Effect of exchange rate changes in the international system (IAS 21)".
6. VI Interuniversity Student Scientific Conference "Actual problems of economics, accounting and finance in Ukraine" in 29th March 2017 in the Irpin Economic College. The students from NULES and its separate units ("Irpin Economic College", "Mukachevo Agrarian College", "Nemishaevo Agricultural College", "Nizhyn Agricultural College") were the participants as well as many other educational institutions of Ukraine.
The representatives of specialty "Accounting and Auditing" of the NULES Faculty of Economics were students of the second and fourth years of studying Tetyana Panicheva (Head of the Research - Professor E. Kalyuha) and Tetyana Cherednik (Head of the Research - Assistant Professor N.Kuzyk).
7. The second stage of the Ukrainian student competition in the specialty "Accounting and Auditing" took place at The University of Alfred Nobel 19th April 2017.The Faculty of Economics of the NULES was represented by two students such as 4th year student of the training direction "Accounting and Auditing" Olesia Kovtunyak and 1st year of Master of the specialty "Accounting and Taxation" Svitlana Tyschenko. The training students to participate in the second stage of the Ukrainian student competition was conducted by Sc.D., Professor, Head of the Department E. Kalyuha; Ph.D., Associate Professor S. Tyvonchuk; Ph.D., Associate Professor N. Kuzyk; Ph.D. Associate Professor, Deputy of Dean of the Faculty of Economic A. Shysh and other leading teachers. As a result Svitlana Tyschenko took third place and Olesya Kovtunyak ranked fourth.
8. The Ukrainian student scientific conference "Development of accounting, control, analysis and taxation in the modern information environment" took place on 26th April 2017. It was organized by the Departments of Accounting and Taxation and Statistics and Economic analysis of the Faculty of Economics together with other educational institutions of Ukraine (accomplices) such as Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Lutsk National Technical University, Lviv Trade and Economic University and Ternopil Economic University.
Following the conference, the students with the best presentations were awarded by the diplomas:
1st place - Alexander Krivoshey;
2nd place - Tetyana Panicheva, Nataliya Palahuta, Vita Kovalenko, Roman Gorbunenko, Diana Kozachyshyna, Kateryna Usyk;
3rd place - Vladislav Alioshyn, Natalia Zaburanna, Anastasia Kharchenko, Anna Namazylo, Irina Dyhodyuk, Olga Melnichenko.


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