Department of Organisation of Entrepreneurship and Exchange Activities


         The teaching work is provided by 14 employees of the department, of which 2 are Doctors of Sciences, professors, 9 candidates of sciences (including 1 professor and 8 associate professors), assistant, senior laboratory assistant and laboratory assistant.

 The department holds classes in the following institutes: Institute of Energy, Automation and Energy Saving, Research Institute of Postgraduate Education, and the faculties: Economics, Agrarian Management, Information Technology, Animal Husbandry and Aquatic Bioresources. The teaching staff of the department provides teaching of the following subjects of the bachelor level:

«History of business development»

«University education»

«Organization of agribusiness»

 «Cost Management»

«Planning and control at the enterprise»

«Enterprise Potential and Development»

«Organization of production»

«Enterprise Strategy»

«Organization and planning of production in agrarian units»

«Production Management»

The discipline "Organization and Planning of Production in Agricultural Formations" is taught in English for the areas of preparation "Finance", "Accounting and Audit", "Management of Foreign Economic Activity". The department prepares specialists of the Magister OS in the specialties 076 - "Entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity" and 051 - "Economy" according to the programs:

- Business planning of business activity in agroindustrial complex;

- Development of entrepreneurship and agribusiness

The teaching staff of the department provides teaching of the following disciplines of master's level:

- Organization of business in animal husbandry

- Enterprise Competitiveness

- Production Economics

- Agribusiness: Development and Evaluation

- "Project management"

- Business Planning for Entrepreneurship in the Agricultural Industry

- «Designing of business activity»

- “Entrepreneurship and organization of agribusiness in the region”

- «Competitiveness of business structures»

- Business Project Management

- "Strategy for the development of entrepreneurship and agribusiness"

- "Entrepreneurship in the field of agricultural products processing"

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