Department of Marketing and International Trade

Scientific-research work

     The Department of Marketing and International Trade carries out the scientific work related to the tasks and directions of its main activity. Thus, carrying out the research work No. 110/343-pr (State registration number 0110U002851) – "The Elaboration of Marketing Tools for Economic Risks Minimization at Agricultural Enterprises", the fundamental results with theoretical and practical significance were obtained.
    In the course of scientific research:
  • The priority ranking of agricultural production was analyzed;
  • Methodological approaches to the quality management of agricultural enterprises as a factor of economic risk minimization were substantiated;
  • Marketing tools for price risks minimizing in the activities of agricultural enterprises were developed;
  • Methodical approaches for carrying out marketing researches and forecasting the risk-laden markets of agricultural products were offered;
  • Economic risks of agricultural enterprises` marketing product policy were identified, and also the methods for minimizing them were developed;
  • The diagnostics of risk management in the product policy control of agricultural enterprises was implemented;
  • Measures of economic risks minimization (while selecting agricultural production distribution channels) were generated.
     We have developed the methodical recommendations on the usage of marketing research and components of marketing-mix for estimation and minimization of economic risks of agricultural enterprises` activity. These methodical recommendations were tested and implemented in the business performance of such enterprises: STOV "STEP-Agro" (limited liability company under the laws of Ukraine), SFG "Bogdanyuk" (farming enterprise), PP "ST-AGRO"(private enterprise).
     According to the research findings, 14 academic papers in professional publications were published (11 quires), as well as a collective monograph "Minimization of Economic Risks of Agricultural Enterprises on the Basis of Marketing" (26 quires) was published.
During 2013-2017 period the experts of the Department had been carrying out the initiative research theme "The Improvement of the Methodical Tools of Agricultural Enterprises` Marketing Activities" (State registration number 0113U007632).
     According to the research findings, 11 multi-authored monographs were published:
  1. Suchasni marketynhovi metody ta instrumenty v diyal'nosti pidpryyemstv ahrarnoho sektoru [Modern marketing methods and tools in the business activities of enterprises of the agrarian sector] Edited by Prof. Larina Ya.S. Kyiv: «Komprynt», 2016. 454 pp.
  2. Buryak R.I., Kuzmenko S.V. Marketynhove doslidzhennya rynku produktsyi roslynnytstva [Marketing research of the crop production market]. - Kyiv: «Komprynt», 2016. 376 pp.
  3. Babicheva O. I., Ryabchik A.V. Mizhnarodna marketynhova diyal'nist' vitchyznyanykh molokopererobnykh pidpryyemstv na zarubizhnomu rynku: orhanizatsiyno-metodychne zabezpechennya [International marketing activity of the domestic dairy processing enterprises in the foreign market: institutional and methodical support]. Kyiv: «Komprynt», 298 pp.
  4. Marketynhove reahuvannya na hlobalizatsiyni vyklyky [Marketing response to globalization challenges] / Edited by Savina H.H. - Kherson: PP Vyshemirsky VS, 2016. 372 pp.
  5. A New Role of Marketing and Communication Technologies in Business and Society: local and global aspects / Edited by Larina Ya., Romanenko O. – NY, 2015.
  6. Buryak R.I., Zaburanna L.V. Rozvytok systemy menedzhmentu yakosti diyal'nosti pidpryyemstv ahrarnoho sektoru [Quality management system development of the agrarian sector enterprises]. Kyiv: «Komprynt», 2015. 536 p.
  7. Larina Ya. S., Chetveryk O.V. Marketynhove zabezpechennia pidpryiemstv tsukrovoi haluzi [Marketing support for sugar industry enterprises]. - Kyiv: «Komprynt», 2017. 268 pp.
  8. Udoskonalennia marketynhovoho instrumentariiu marketynhovoi diialnosti pidpryiemstv ahrarnoho sektoru Ukrainy: tendentsii rozvytku. [Improvement of marketing tools for marketing activities of enterprises of the Ukrainian agrarian sector: development trends. Collective monograph] / Larina Ya. S., Buryak R. I., Lutsiy O. P., Babicheva O. I., Ryabchyk A.V., Hal'chyns'ka Yu. M., Chetveryk O.V., Rudenko M. M., Chernyavs'kyy I. Yu. - Kyiv: «Komprynt», 2017. 810 p.
  9. Buryak R.I., Kuzmenko S.V. Doslidzhennya kon’yunktury rynkiv ahroprodovol'choyi produktsiyi: Monograph [Research of market conditions of agri-food production: Monograph] / R. I. Buryak, S. V. Kuzmenko - Kyiv: "Komprint", 2017. 685 p.
  10. Babicheva O.I., Ryabchyk AV, Barylovych O.I. Marketynhovi aspekty dosyahnennya konkurentospromozhnosti na rynku moloka i molochnoyi produktsiyi: teoriya, problemy, rishennya. Monograph. [Marketing aspects of competitiveness achievement on the milk and dairy products` market: theory, problems, solutions. Monograph] - Kyiv: "Komprint", 2017.
  11. Zbars'kyy V.K., Talavyrya M.P., Ostapchuk A.D., Zbars'ka A.V., Holub R.T. Zabezpechennya konkurentospromozhnosti ahrarnykh formuvan' [Supporting of agrarian formations` competitiveness. Monograph]. Edited by Prof. V.K. Zbars`kyy - Kyiv: NUBiP of Ukraine, 2017.
     In addition, the handbook "Methods of scientific research in economics" edited by prof. Larina Ya. S., more than 50 academic papers in professional publications, 12 articles in foreign editions, and over 150 theses were published.
     In 2016 the Department of Marketing and International Trade conducted the International Scientific-Practical Conference "Marketing and Logistics in Agribusiness" (Kyiv, October 13, 2016); and Student scientific-practical conference "Dimensions of Marketing Development in the Agrarian Sector of the Economy" (Kyiv, April 2016, 2017).
     In 2016 and 2017 the scientific projects for the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: "Marketing Collateral of the Ukrainian Bioenergy Market Development" were prepared and submitted by the head of the Department, Larina Ya. S.. In the long run, by 2018, it is planned to implement the joint research projects with the SGGW Marketing Department (Poland), dedicated to the consumers' behavior research in the food and beverage markets in Ukraine and Poland.
     The Department trains postgraduate students (specialty 08.00.04). For instance, in 2016, a senior lecturer of the Department, Chetveryk Olena Viktorivna, passed her candidate's dissertation defense successfully. For 2018, Dichenko A.L., Zaval'nyuk K.S., Lutsiy K.M are planning to pass their candidate's theses defense.


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