Educational Activities
MARKETING. The purpose of the discipline is the formation in students – future marketers a scientific outlook and special knowledge in the theory, methodology of marketing, development abilities and skills to perform management functions in the enterprise based on marketing for satisfaction of customer’s needs and ensure the effective activities of the enterprise.
INTRODUCTIVE TO SPECIALTY: FUNDAMENTALS. The purpose of discipline is to familiarize students with the features of future profession, its content and objectives of management, the role of managers at different levels in the management of modern enterprises, especially the training of specialists in management.
INTRODUCTIVE TO SPECIALTY: SOCIAL COMMUNICATION. The main purpose of the discipline - the most help students in acquiring the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of social education, transformation of social knowledge, social and self-development to address contemporary social issues. As a result of studying the discipline, students will learn the basic concepts, principles, main categories, trends and patterns of social education for social learning and thus build constructive social dialogue.
AGRARIAN MARKETING. The purpose of discipline is to provide students the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in management, planning and organization of marketing activities of companies in the market of agricultural products. The task is to discipline students acquiring skills in market research of agricultural products (APC), predicting conditions of trade, inventory management and quality of agricultural products, pricing, promotion of goods on the domestic and foreign markets of food, distribution and marketing of domestic products.
COMMODITY MARKET INFRASTRUCTURE. The purpose of the following courses: to master the theory of commodity market infrastructure as an essential part of the market economy, the practical ability to control its activities to promote, storage and sale of goods and services to meet the needs of consumers, the ability to find and implement solutions for intensification and efficiency in this area. Objectives of the course: to know the nature of the commodity market infrastructure and its role in a market economy, the types and conditions of an effective infrastructure of individual links of the commodity market.
SERVICES MARKETING. The purpose of discipline is to deepen students' knowledge on the specifics of marketing services as a specific commodity and conditions, mechanisms and tools for use in the activities of organizations (companies). Objectives of the course: understanding the significance of marketing in the service sector, its features, market research services, its structure in the world and national levels, regulation and regulatory support, marketing tools absorption features in the organization, and businesses in the service sector, the ability to use this knowledge in practice activity. The object of the course is the theory and practice of marketing in services
MARKETING DISTRIBUTION POLICY. The aim of the discipline is to teach students the basics of effective distribution of goods and services. While studying the discipline the issues of theoretical and methodological foundations of marketing distribution policy, including the organization and administration commodity circulation, wholesale and retail trade in distribution channels, intermediaries' work organization; conceptual basis of understanding the marketing policy of distribution and marketing logistics, public procurement and public order, choice of the marketing policy and distribution channels are examined.
CONSUMER BEHAVIOR. The purpose of discipline is the acquisition of knowledge and practical skills regarding working with customers, managing their behavior, shaping and maintaining consumer demand for their products and services, identifying their customers and influence on the acceptance of their purchase decisions. Objective: To study the functional structure and data base management behavior of consumers. Subject: behavior of potential and actual customers, the factors that affect consumer behavior, models of consumer behavior.
MARKETING PRICING. The purpose of the course is to learn the complex knowledge how to develop and implement marketing pricing, pricing on new and traditional products and services. The task of discipline: the study of marketing processes of pricing and skills of analysis, assimilation of pricing principles and marketing management, familiarization with the practical aspects of pricing in the company
MARKETING RESEARCH. The course "Marketing Research" forming students' understanding of marketing research as a science, an introduction to the history of the emergence of marketing and market research, is in the form of systematic data on the direction, organization and most important methods of marketing research in small and medium business. Important objectives of the course "Marketing research" are: developing knowledge about the nature of marketing research, study the importance of marketing research in a market economy, the definition of goals and objectives of marketing research.
BASICS OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. The main purpose of teaching is to form future professionals with basic knowledge the basis of a probabilistic-statistical machine to solve theoretical and practical economic problems. The main tasks that needs to be addressed in the process of teaching is to provide students with knowledge of basic definitions, theorems, rules, theorem proving, and the formation of skills: to fulfill qualitative and quantitative mathematical analysis of random events, random variables and systems of values, conduct mathematical treatment of statistical data provide statistical estimation of population parameters.
MARKETING ANALYZE. The purpose of discipline is to development of students' basic mathematical knowledge to solve problems in professional activities, analytical thinking skills and mathematical formulation of economic problems arising from the management. The tasks that need to be resolved during the process of studding the discipline are: acquation of knowledge of the main sections of higher mathematics, substantiation of basic theorems, formation of primary skills: performance of actions on vectors, matrices, calculations of determinants, solving systems of linear equations, studding of shapes and properties lines and planes, curves and surfaces of the second order, finding of the limits of step-exponential functions.
MARKETING PRODUCT POLICY. The purpose of discipline is to learn the principles of comprehensive range of optimization and further development. Solving the above problems of marketing goods policy for future specialists may make the implementation of these tasks discipline involving the study: the quality of goods and services (works), the main market of the goods and services competitive products, the main areas of commercial policy formation.
MARKETING OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES. The purpose of discipline is: the formation of theoretical and practical knowledge about industrial marketing, modern concepts of development, methodological and organizational framework for use. Objectives of the course: the study of the theory of industrial marketing, market research methodology, design and planning of marketing strategies and sales industry, mastering modern management marketing communication activities in the areas of procurement, sales distribution.
MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS. The purpose of discipline: mastering the knowledge of effective goods / services to take effective industrial, institutional and scientific solutions to date. The target of courses: learning the basic categories of marketing communications, exploring techniques budgeting advertising campaigns algorithms calculate the efficiency of advertising appeal to the target audience and practical skills they use in promotion, finding stocks improving the promotion of goods.
COMMODITY STUDYING. The purpose of discipline - to give the future specialists theoretical background and practical skills of the fundamental characteristics of the product using knowledge gained in solving the major problems of marketing activities. Problems Subjects: to give the theoretical knowledge of fundamental characteristics that make the use-value of goods; train future professionals to the principles and methods of goods movement; systemizing the explore of the multitude of products through the rational application of classification and coding.
STANDARDIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF PRODUCTION QUALITY. In studying the discipline, students become acquainted with the basic principles of standardization of products, processes and services and basic concepts used for the certification of safety and quality in Ukraine and in the world, primarily in the European Union. The result of course is the ability to correctly assess the quality of specialist food and used in its production of raw materials and to determine the feasibility of acquiring it, and intended use.
INTERNATIONAL MARKETING. The purpose of discipline - the formation of students' theoretical and practical knowledge in the sphere of international marketing activities needed to achieve business goals in international business. The object of discipline is a set of principles of integrated management system international marketing activities in the company and implementation of the basic functions of marketing in international business.
MARKETING PRICE POLICY. The purpose of discipline is to develop in students the modern economic thinking about the pricing policy of marketing companies; use marketing capabilities and different pricing strategies in pricing method for its successful implementation in terms of domestic market. The objectives of the course include the formation of knowledge about the possibilities of using marketing pricing policies to ensure the sustainability of its operations in the domestic market.
PUBLIC RELATIONS. The aim of the course "Public relations" is mastering the basics of PR. The purpose of teaching - the formation of students' theoretical knowledge and practical skills in establishing two-way communication to identify common ideas or common interests and mutual understanding based on truth, knowledge and full awareness.
INFORMATIONAL SYSTEMS IN MARKETING. The goal of teaching of the discipline is to develop in future professionals a current level of informational and computeral culture, the acquirement of practical skills of work on modern computer equipment and the usage of modern information technologies to solve various problems in the practice activity of the specialty.
MARKETING BY TYPE OF ACTIVITY: SERVICES, INDUSTRIAL, AGRICULTURAL. The purpose of discipline is to provide students the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in management, planning and organization of marketing activities of companies in the market of service, industrial and agricultural products; to form the knowledge about branch market features. The task of discipline is students’ acquiring skills in market research of agricultural products, predicting conditions of trade, inventory management and quality of agricultural products, pricing, and promotion of goods on the domestic and foreign food markets, distribution and marketing of domestic products; is to deepen students' knowledge on the specifics of marketing services as a specific commodity and conditions, mechanisms and tools for use in the activities of organizations (companies); understanding the significance marketing tools absorption features in the organization, and businesses in the service sector, the ability to use this knowledge in practice activity; learning the theory of industrial marketing, methodology of marketing research, development and planning of marketing strategies and their implementation in industrial enterprises, mastering modern methods of managing marketing communication activities in the areas of procurement, marketing, distribution.
MARKETING OF NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. The objectives of mastering the discipline are: to provide a systematic, deep and comprehensive study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of marketing and to promote the acquisition of skills in the development and adoption of managerial decisions in the field of marketing formation of non-profit organizations. Non-commercial marketing is an activity used to create, maintain or change the attitudes and relationships of target audiences to certain organizations and their professional activities. This type of marketing is related to the activities of non-profit organizations that aim to achieve a certain social effect by public institutions, health care facilities, social security, culture, charitable organizations, mercy services, denominational institutions, churches, sects and , finally, political parties and movements
CONTENT MARKETING. The purpose of the discipline is to teach students to attract attention and attract the target audience to the media product by creating and disseminating relevant valuable information and content related marketing content, mastering content marketing skills, managing activities in social media. Objectives and principles of content marketing, its advantages and risks, work with various social media platforms and communication channels, content marketing automation, custody, aggregation and content syndication, content marketing tactics and strategies, site content auditing and content audit marketing company
MARKETING OF SOCIAL NETWORKS. The purpose of teaching this discipline is to promote the formation of students of modern marketing thinking, acquisition of competences that will allow actively and creatively to participate in the development and practical application of modern tools for promoting business through social networks. Marketing Methods in Social Networks: Creating Brand Communities; work with the blogosphere; reputation management; personal branding; Social Media Optimization (SMO); non-standard SMM-promotion; promotion strategies in social networks; assessment and analysis of the effectiveness of work in social networks
MARKETING AUDIT. The purpose of the discipline - to provide students with scientific and theoretical knowledge and practical skills in organizing a marketing audit, to teach methodological and organizational techniques for its use in modern marketing activities of the enterprise. This will allow students to form the appropriate knowledge of the theory of marketing audit of the enterprise; master the methodology of marketing audit in order to provide information and analytical support for marketing operations, reduce the likelihood and impact of commercial risk.
MARKETING IN A DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT. This course examines the concept of digital marketing as one of the components of marketing. Particular attention is paid to communication channels specific to the digital environment. Methods of measurement of efficiency in various communication channels are analyzed. Separately, the integration of digital marketing in the marketing mix in general and in offline marketing in particular.
BASES OF ADVERTISING. The purpose of the discipline is to inculcate among students a system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the organization and management of advertising activities at enterprises. The discipline's task consists in assimilation of the main components of the organization of advertising activity, understanding of the principles of advertising effectiveness, the choice of the media of advertising, the areas of creativity in advertising; principles and methodical approaches to generating new ideas in advertising; evaluation of advertising effectiveness.
TECHNOLOGY OF PRESENTATIONS AND SPEECHWRITING. The purpose of teaching is to prepare students for presentations, reports in front of the staff at various levels, training and teaching methods of designing websites in order to bring their ideas to the audience /consumer. The objective of discipline is learning the methods for creating presentations and websites, acquaintance with the basics of building a report; usage the analytical schemes of research the verbal and nonverbal communications, which are necessary for understanding the political strategically influence of different international relations' subjects; to give necessary knowledge in sphere of the technology of oratorical influence
TECHNICS OF PRESENTATION AND WEB-DESIGN. The purpose of teaching is to prepare students for presentations, reports in front of the staff at various levels, training and teaching methods of designing websites in order to bring their ideas to the audience/consumer. The objective of discipline is learning the methods for creating presentations and websites, acquaintance with the basics of building a report.
MARKETING MANAGEMENT. The purpose of the discipline is to master students' theoretical knowledge and practical skills in management, planning and organization of marketing activities of enterprises. The task of the discipline is to provide students with skills in marketing management, ensuring effective marketing activities in the market of agro-industrial complex (AIC), forecasting trade, product range and quality management, pricing, promotion of goods on domestic and foreign food markets, distribution systems and sales of domestic producers.
MARKETING STRATEGY IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT. Management of marketing activities in the overall enterprise management system. Functions of management of marketing activity. Trends and concepts of marketing activity management. Marketing activity of the enterprise as a process. Organization and stages of marketing activities management. Tasks and stages of organization of marketing activity. Organizational structure of marketing activity management. Cross-functional coordination of enterprise units in the process of marketing functions. Marketing strategic planning. Control as a means of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing activities. Management of marketing tools.
MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISE COMPETITIVENESS. The aim of the discipline is to deepen the theoretical knowledge, to master modern methods and practical skills of effective management of enterprise competitiveness based on marketing in modern business environment. The objectives of the course are: awareness of the role and importance of the problems of company competitiveness management; profound knowledge of the role and place of marketing in management of enterprise competitiveness; synthesis of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in forming competitive status of acompany and its management in specific practical situations.
FORECASTING METHODS IN MARKETING RESEARCH. The aim of discipline is to develop students’ knowledge and skills in the theory and methodology of forecasting market research of macro- and micro-markets, products / services. The discipline studies methodological and technological principles of research methods and processes and forecasting of economic entities and the conditions of the business environment. The program includes two modules: the theoretical foundations of forecasting for marketing research; quantitative forecasting methods in marketing research.
STRATEGIC MARKETING. The aim of the discipline is to master theoretical and methodological principles of strategy formation and practical skills in strategic decisionmaking in marketing management and market development of an enterprise. The main tasks of the discipline is to provide theoretical training of students and formation of skills in strategic marketing analysis, market segmentation, positioning, development of general, competitive and functional strategies, searching and keeping competitive advantages.
ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT. The aim of discipline is to form a system of theoretical and applied knowledge of advertising management, strategy and tactics of advertising in Ukraine. The main tasks of the discipline are to study the issues of advertising planning, stages of creating advertising messages, the sphere of advertising management application, knowledge of the characteristics of the main participants of the process, to provide students with practical skills for marketing service. The student explore approaches to creating advertising, its movement on the market and evaluation of effectiveness.
MARKETING MANAGEMENT. The discipline studies the system of administrative relations in marketing departments and their relationship with other business units. The aim is the formation of the modern approaches to understanding marketing management abilities to achieve the transition to a new level and forms of consumption by situational market analysis, forecasting the evolution of consumer needs and strategic planning of stimulating goods and services movement, sales, providing increased entrepreneurial resistance on the domestic market. The main tasks of discipline are to provide competences in basic opportunities of marketing management for broad entrepreneurial activity in various organizations and environments.
MARKETING PLANNING. The aim of the discipline is to provide knowledge and practical skills in drawing up marketing plans, managing the process of their implementation, forming and maintaining consumer demand for goods and services, identifying target segments, plan benchmarking. The objective of the discipline is to study phases, functional structure and information support of marketing planning system. The discipline studies marketing planning process and factors affecting it. The students learn methods and techniques to perform planning management in specific situations.
CREATIVITY IN ADVERTISING. The aim of the discipline is to provide students with knowledge of methods and technologies of creativity in advertising by means of media and graphic art, to form creative thinking, practical skills and abilities in advertising and the use of specialized and reference books on creativity in practical economic activity. The objective of the discipline is to learn the basic directions of creative activity in advertising; principles and methodological approaches to generation of new ideas in advertising from the positions of different creative schools; to be able to analyze the effectiveness of advertising messages in different media.
PSYCHOLOGY OF ADVERTISING. The aim of the discipline is to provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of advertising psychology and in the dynamics of psychological processes of interaction in the system "advertising to consumer" to address the psychological challenges of designing effective advertising images of products (services); to form skills of creating and using special advertising psycho-technologies to promote products on the market. The task of the course is to teach students to form effective advertising images (image) of goods (services) in target groups, as well as provide methods of memorizing advertising messages, implement effective advertising influence on consumer behavior, arouse a desire to buy a product (service) advertised.
SPEECHWRITING. The purpose of the study of the discipline "Spicwrighting" is the acquisition of knowledge and practical skills in writing texts and speeches, the circumstances of their proclamation, the students of the place of spigration in the system of preparation of a specialist in advertising and public relations, definition of the role of public speeches in the process of forming the marketing positions of the subject social communications; acquaintance with the history of the formation and development of science of rhetoric and oratory; study of the laws of public broadcasting; awareness of the psychological foundations of the activities of the speaker and speaker; familiarization with the main means of persuasion and verbal influence on the audience, with the main means of implementing non-verbal influence on the audience, with the composition of speech, with the specifics of the preparation of various types of speeches in the circumstances of the speech, the specifics of the preparation of various types of speeches on their psychological motives; with the specifics of the preparation of various types of speeches in the sphere and the target direction; analysis of public speeches.
BRAND MANAGEMENT. The main role of brand management is to integrate the processes of creation, management and evaluation of brands aimed at increasing their value to consumers. The aim of the discipline is to provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in brand creation and management, brand strategy realization in order to achieve the maximum business efficiency. The objective is to form competencies in the following areas: the nature and principles of brand management at an enterprise, the purpose and prerequisites for effective brand management; to teach students to create their own brands, manage brand assets, develop and support the brand strategy. The subject of the discipline covers methods and processes which the enterprise applies to create brands and manage their assets.
ORGANIZING AND TECHNOLOGY OF WHOLESALE AND RETAILING. The aim of the discipline is to develop knowledge and skills in sustainable construction of commercial enterprises, the ability to design commercial and technological processes, to introduce scientific and technological progress into trade. The task of the course is to understand and study the complex of issues that reveal the content and peculiarities of retailing. Particular attention is focused on the principles of trade, the factors that influence the effectiveness of trade and technological processes, methods of retail sale. The discipline covers peculiarities of organization and planning of direct sales, the sequence of operations in the process of direct selling, methods and algorithms for decision making as to personal selling process in any form of economy. The aim of the course is to provide students with knowledge of efficient sales and service, up-to-date genuine industrial, institutional and scientific decision-making. The objectives of the course are to introduce students to the relevant categories of direct selling, the requirements for sales representatives, peculiarities of successful product presentation; the use practical skills in direct selling; instilling a desire to creatively improve the process of product selling in the current market conditions in Ukraine.
ELECTRONIC COMMERCE. The discipline provides the essence, content and role of ecommerce in the modern sector of world and national economy. E-commerce tools, its scope and the main principles are considered regarding the global Internet. Special attention is focused on characteristics of basic forms and e-commerce projects (including electronic shopping, electronic auctions, electronic trading platforms) electronic payments, the specifics of providing individual services. The effectiveness of e-commerce and its legal support are analyzed.
MERCHANDISING. The discipline provides coverage of such issues as: control of inventory in retail trade; effective product placement in stores; marketing communications at points of sale; the effectiveness of the sales staff. The aim of the discipline is to provide students with knowledge and skills on modern techniques, mechanisms and instruments of merchandising. The tasks of the course are aimed at developing students' competence as to: display of goods on the exposition equipment, distribution of promotional materials in retail locations, the possibility of presenting the maximum possible range of goods.
COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES OF INTERMEDIARY COMPANIES. The discipline studies modern approaches to the possibility of commercial management of intermediary enterprises in order to transfer to modern technologies, strategies, purchase and sale tactics; the use and application of modern forms, methods of commercial transactions for the effective operation of business intermediary companies.
METHODOLOGY AND ORGANIZATION OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH WITH THE PRINCIPLES OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. The aim of the discipline is to develop the system of knowledge of methodology, theory of method and research process, methodological support of research activities at the stages of writing master thesis, to form the ability to organize scientific research of problem using the whole complex of traditional methods of research, including general and special methods, laws and categories of dialectics, economic laws and categories of economic and statistical methods, economic-mathematical modeling etc. The main objective of the theoretical part of the course is to introduce students to modern concepts of research activities with the principles of scientific cognition and methods of scientific research. The main objectives of the practical part are to develop abilities of selfeducation, development of skills: formation and use of conscious methodological position of scientific research. The learning outcomes are: improvement of skills in searching, selecting and processing scientific information, exact formulation of the problem, purpose, objectives, object, subject and methods of research. Students are expected to learn the principles of intellectual property and master the knowledge and skills regarding registration of ownership, protection, commercialization, evaluation and management.