The international scientific-practical conference "AGRICULTURAL POLICY OF UKRAINE IN CONDITIONS OF GLOBAL CHALLENGES“ devoted to 70th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics

Submission of Papers and Information for the Authors


     Abstracts should be prepared in accordance with the requirements. Abstracts file name:

  • 1_Ivanchenko_I.I. (1 – number of the thematic direction of the conference). After receiving the materials, the Organizing Committee within two days sends a letter of confirmation to the address of the participant.

     Requirements for abstracts:

  • Volume of publication - 3 pages of A-4 format in a text editor Microsoft Word (* .doc, * .docx); font - Times New Roman; size of a skittle - 14; line spacing - 1; paragraph indentation - 1.25 mm; margins on all sides - 20 mm. Formula Editor - MS Equation.

     The sequence of placement of materials in the abstracts of the report:

  • UDC (alignment on the left edge, 12 pt);

  • last name and initials (right-aligned, bold, 14 pt),

  • scientific degree, academic title; educational institution, city (italics, 14 pt);

  • in one interval - the name of theses (capital bold letters, center alignment, 14 pt); in one interval - the text of theses.

  • Bibliography is found at the end of the text according to DSTU 8302: 2015. Conference proceedings will be published in the abstract digest before its start.

     After peer review the best submitted materials will be published in the professional scientific journal Bioeconomics and Agricultural Business


Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)To Applicants (синій)

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