Education and research institute of Energetics, Automatics and Energy saving


      The scientific concept of the Institute Energy, Automation and Energy Saving aims to develop advanced automated electrotechnologies and equipment for enterprises of the agriculture.
Research is conducted by technical programs:
- energy supply and energy efficiency in the agroindustrial complex;
- advanced energy-saving and resource-saving technologies in the agroindustrial complex;
- intelligent control systems and robotics in agriculture;
- energy audit, reliability and efficiency of electrical equipment in the agroindustrial complex.

      Research corresponds to the priority areas of scientific work.
Fundamental researches are in accordance with the priority directions of science and technology:
- the most important problems of development of scientific and technical potential to ensure the competitiveness of Ukraine in the world.
Engineering and technical research are the priority areas:
- energy and energy efficiency;
- environmental management.
    Scientific schools of the Institute of energy, automation and energy saving are known as in Ukraine as broad. Among them are the schools of academician Ivan Martynenko - systems of automation of technological processes; professor Vitalii Lysenko - automatic control systems at industrial-type agricultural enterprises; professor Victor Synkov - increasing the reliability and efficiency of power supply systems in rural areas; professor Volodymyr Kozyrskyi - modern energy saving systems based on traditional and renewable energy sources; professors Hrygorii Kisten, Leonid Chervinskyi , Oleg Bereka - electrical technologies in biotechnical systems; professor Borys Draganov - energy saving in agriculture; professor Volodymyr Mishyn - the problem of increasing the operational reliability and efficiency of electrical equipment in agriculture.





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