Department of Finance

Scientific work


The Academic Staff of the Finance Department conduct their scientific research on the following themes: “The transformation of the budget system of Ukraine”, “Finance and credit mechanisms of functioning of agrarian enterprises”.


The Academic Staff of the Finance Department passed three PhD defenses and three doctorates over the past three years. The Academic Staff publish the results of their scientific research in Ukrainian and foreign scientific journals.


The Academic Staff of the Finance Department have published 13 individual and collective monographs:

  • “Investment and innovative acceleration of development of agrarian enterprises” (by A.V. Buryak, PhD in Economic Sciences, associate professor, 2011);

  • “Financial resources of integrative agrarian entities in contemporary observations” (by I.M. Zelisko, Doctor of Economic Sciences, 2012);

  • “Financial support of corporate management development in agrarian sector of economy of Ukraine” (by N.M. Davydenko, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, 2014);

  • 58 articles in scientific journals which are referenced in scientometrical databases (Scopus, Web of Science, RSCI etc) in the period 2011-2015.

The range of scientific interests of the Academic Staff of the Finance Department include:

  • financial resources of agrarian companies;

  • financial security of agrarian enterprises;

  • financial reorganization of enterprises;

  • financial risks of banking institutions whilst crediting agrarian companies;

  • investment support of agribusiness industry;

  • processes of budget revenue generation and public finance management;

  • local and rural budgets etc.

The Academic Staff of the Finance Department take an active part in conferences in Ukraine and abroad, in particular, in Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary and the Slovak Republic.

N.M. Davydenko, the Department Head, took part in the following conferences in Ukraine:

  • The International research and practice conference “Mechanisms, strategies, models and technologies of managing economic systems under the conditions of integrative processes: theory, methodology and practice”, October 2-4, 2014, Khmelnytskyi National University, Khmenlytskyi.

  • The International research and practice conference “Financial and economic strategy of development under the European integration: aspects of constancy and security”, November 5-6, 2014, Chernihiv National Technological University, Chernihiv.

  • The International research and practice conference “Problems and prospects of entrepreneurial development in Ukraine”, May 14-15, 2015, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv.

  • The International research and practice conference “Global trends and prospects of development of financial system of Ukraine”, October 29-30, 2015, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv.

There is a scientific club - “The club of a financial analyst” headed by I.M. Tytarchuk (PhD in Economic Sciences, associate professor).
The club activities result in interesting meetings, master-classes, excursions, business games and brain-rings. You can find the comprehensive information about club activities in the section “The news of the Finance Department”.



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