Composition of the department

Head of Department
Nataliia Medynska
Phone: (067) 500-41-23
E-mail: [email protected]
Scientific degree: candidate of economic sciences.
Academic rank: associate professor.
Teaches disciplines: State land cadastre, territorial planning of settlements.
Field of scientific interests. Territorial planning, efficient land use, functioning of the economic mechanism of nature use, ensuring financing of nature protection and nature exploitation activities
Publications. Medynska N.V. is the author and co-author of about 70 scientific and educational-methodical works, including 14 monographs (2 of them in foreign editions), a study guide.
Work experience: has been working at the NUBiP of Ukraine at the Department of Land Cadastre since 2007.
Other activities: member of the press service of the university, moderator of official pages in social networks.
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Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Iryna Novakovska
Phone: 258-05-25
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Land Cadastre
Working address: Kyiv, str. Vasylkivska, 17, educational building No. 6, room 206
In 2000, she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the National Agrarian University (Kyiv), majoring in "Enterprise Economics".
In 2009, she defended her candidate's thesis on the topic: "Ecological and economic foundations of the transformation of agricultural land use in market conditions" with the specialty 08.00.06 - economics of nature use and environmental protection.
In 2017, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Ecological and economic principles of urban land use management" with the specialty 08.00.06 economics of nature use and environmental protection.
From 1995 to 2005, she worked at the Institute of Land Management of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences.
From 2005 to 2017, he was a senior researcher at the municipal enterprise "Kyiv Institute of Land Relations" of the Kyiv City Council.
Since 2013, he has been an associate professor, since March 2017 - the head of the Department of Land Management and Cadastre, and since July 2020 - the head of the Department of Aerospace Geodesy and Land Management at the National Aviation University.
Since 2020, he has been a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences, specializing in "Public management and administration (land use)".
From September 1, 2021, she was appointed to the position of professor of the Department of Land Cadastre of the NUBiP of Ukraine.
Profile of a scientist in the scientometric database:

Yosyp Dorosh

Associate Professor
Olha Tykhenko
E-mail: [email protected]
PhD from Agricultural Sciences
Associate Professor
Teaching courses: land cadastre, registration of property rights to immovable property.
Since 2009, she has been the head of the research group «Cadastral and Registration Activity».
Research topics: Land cadastre, protection and rational use of land, registration of rights to real estate.
Thesis topic: The changes of phosphorus regime of meadow chernozem leached soil under conservation tillage influence in conditions Andruchevsky natural agricultural region.
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Associate Professor
Nataliia Bavrovska

Senior Lecturer
Oleh Tsviakh
Науковий ступінь: кандидат економічних наук.
Вчене звання: доц.
Викладає дисципліни: Державний земельний кадастр, Територіальне планування населених пунктів.
Сфера наукових інтересів. Територіальне планування, проблеми промислового землекористування, особливості інвентаризації земельних міст, економічний аналіз землекористування великих міст, урбанізація, кадастр природних ресурсів, оцінка нерухомості.
Публікації. О. М. Цвяч є автором та співавтором близько 30 наукових і навчально-методичних праць, у тому числі 3 монографії, 2 навчальних посібників.
Досвід роботи: працює в НУБіП України на кафедрі земельного кадастру з 2017 року.
Інша діяльність: громадський діяч – представник голови правління «Асоціації землевпорядників України».
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Scopus detail.uri?authorId=57214758413 ID
Researchgate Web of Science: ECZ-7993-2022 (

Head of Laboratory
Maryna Lytvyn

Laboratory assistant
Olena Huretska