
Head of the department, Candidate of agricultural sciences, Associate professor
Makarchuk Oleksandr Serhiyovych

Phone: (044) 527-83-26

E-mail: [email protected]

Higher education: National Agrarian University majoring in "Agronomy" and qualified as an agronomist, June 30, 2000
The topic of the candidate's thesis: "The use of inbred lines and testers of different genetic structure in the selection of corn for heterosis", specialty (01.06.05) plant selection
Disciplines for which he is responsible for teaching: "Selection and seed production of field crops", "Selection and seed production of heterosis hybrids".
Field of scientific interests: creation of heterozygous corn hybrids; improvement of the system for determining the combining ability of the source material by substantiating the parameters of the selection of testers.
Direction of research: creation of heterosis hybrids of corn; improvement of the system for determining the combining ability of the source material by substantiating the parameters of the selection of testers.
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Doctor of agricultural sciences, Professor
Melnychuk Tetyana Mykolayivna

Phone: (044) 527-83-26

E-mail: [email protected]

Higher education: Complete higher education in the specialty "Agronomy", qualification "scientist agronomist", Ukrainian Agricultural Academy, Kyiv.

The topic of the candidate's thesis: "The influence of nitrogen-fixing and stimulating bacteria on the formation of the crop and the quality of vegetable products" in the specialty "Agricultural Sciences" at the Institute of Agriculture of Chabany.

The topic of the doctoral dissertation: "Scientific substantiation of the associative interaction in the rhizobacterium-vegetable plant system" in the specialty "Agricultural sciences. Microbiology" at the Uman University of Horticulture.
Disciplines for which he is responsible for teaching: "Agricultural microbiology and virology", "Agricultural microbiology with the basics of virology"
The field of scientific interests: includes issues of agricultural microbiology and ecology, crop production and horticulture, soil fertility and plant-microbial interaction, biodiversity and metagenomics, plant physiology and molecular biology, study of microbial diversity of soil and plant rhizosphere under the influence of various factors, development of highly effective rhizobacteria-plant systems as the basis for the formation of environmentally safe agricultural technologies and the sustainability of agroecosystems.
According to the results of scientific research, more than 200 publications have been published in Ukrainian and international scientific periodicals, including 15 in Scopus, WoS, 13 patents, 6 co-authored monographs.
Awarded with the Certificate of Honor and Award of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (2012)
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Doctor of agricultural sciences, Professor
Kovalishyna Hanna Mykolaivna

Phone: (044) 527-83-26

Higher education: Ukrainian Agricultural Academy, 1981, plant protection.

The topic of the candidate's thesis: "Genetics of donors of resistance to brown rust for the selection of winter wheat" 06.01.11 - phytopathology.
The topic of the doctoral dissertation: "Immunological aspects of the creation of initial forms of winter wheat with increased resistance to fungal diseases and justification of protective measures in the Forest Steppe of Ukraine" 01.06.11 - phytopathology.
Disciplines for which he is responsible for teaching: "Genetics of plant immunity against diseases and pests" and "Selection and seed production of field crops", "Adaptive selection", "Selection with the basics of genetics".
Field of scientific interests: The directions of scientific research are related to the methods of breeding winter wheat for resistance to diseases and pests, the study of genetic control of donors of resistance to harmful organisms, the study of the influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the growth and development of wheat plants and harmful organisms.
The author of more than 230 scientific works from the bottom 6 in Scopus and Web of Science. Has more than 30 author's certificates for varieties and lines of winter wheat.
1 doctoral and 2 candidate theses were defended under her supervision, and 2 graduate students are currently studying under her supervision.

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Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
Zhemoida Vitaly Leonidovych


Higher education: full university, USGA in 1979 - agronomy faculty, academic agronomist.
The topic of the candidate's thesis: "Comparative value of different starting materials in the creation of early maturing self-pollinated late maize in the conditions of the Forest Steppe of Ukraine".
Disciplines for which he is responsible for teaching: "Selection and seed production of field crops", "Seed production of field crops", "Market of varieties and seeds".
Field of scientific interests: improvement of breeding and genetic research methods; creation of source material and highly heterozygous corn hybrids.
He is the author and co-author of more than 240 scientific articles included in the scientometric databases of Ukraine and the world, the author and co-author of 12 corn hybrids, 18 copyright certificates for self-pollinated corn lines, collections of donors and sources.
In 1979, he graduated from the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy. He started working at the department in 1982.



Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Fedelesh-Gladinets Maria Ivanivna

Phone: (044) 527-83-26

E-mail: [email protected]

Higher Education:
In 1992, she graduated from the Ukrainian State Agrarian University with a degree in "plant protection", awarded the qualification of "scientist agronomist".
1993. Ukrainian State Agrarian University, Faculty of Pedagogy, specialty: agronomist-pedagogue.
1994-1997 National Agrarian University, postgraduate studies.
Candidate of agricultural sciences, specialty 03.00.09 – entomology.
The topic of the candidate's thesis: "Regularities in the dynamics of the abundance of the cluster leafhopper - Lobesiabotrana Den. et. Schiff. and integrated methods of regulation of its reproduction in Transcarpathia".
Disciplines for which he is responsible for teaching:
- agricultural microbiology and virology, specialty - 201 Agronomy;
- microbiology with the basics of virology, specialty - 203 Horticulture and viticulture;
- agricultural microbiology and virology, specialty - 201 Agronomy (second higher education);
- microbiology with the basics of virology, specialty 201 Agronomy, VP NUBIP "Mukachiv Agrarian College", "Bobrovytskyi Agrarian College" and "Zalischytskyi Agrarian College" (Z.F.Sc.).
Field of scientific interests:
- solving important fundamental and applied scientific problems, which include the comprehensive assessment and development of highly effective technologies for growing and increasing the productivity of agricultural crops due to the improvement of agrotechnical methods of cultivation, fertilizer systems, as well as biocenosis management in agroecosystems;
- research on the problems of studying and preserving soil metagenomics, which is important for solving the practical problems of increasing soil fertility and balancing agroecosystems.
According to the results of the work, 173 scientific, scientific-methodical, and educational-methodical works were published, including one laboratory workshop, one study guide, one invention patent, 3 DSTU/ISO, DSTU, 95 scientific-methodical recommendations, 4 work programs for disciplines etc.



Candidate of biological sciences, Associate professor
Bashkirova Nataliya Viktorivna

Phone: (044) 527-83-26

E-mail: [email protected]

Higher education: Kyiv State University named after T. G. Shevchenko, department of genetics, qualification – biologist-geneticist, teacher of biology and chemistry.
The topic of the candidate's thesis: from the specialty 06.01.05 "Genetically controlled self-compatibility of alfalfa, its nature and importance in the selection of varieties with high seed productivity" (Grif DSV)
Disciplines for which he is responsible for teaching: "Special genetics of agricultural crops"; "Genetics", "Special genetics of field crops".
Field of scientific interests: scientific activity is related to the study of autogamy of seed alfalfa, the possibility of its application to create varieties with high seed productivity in conditions of insufficient number of pollinating insects.
Excellence in Education of Ukraine (2004), awarded with the MES "For Scientific Achievements" sign (2008), honorary certificate of the Minister of Education (2008), thanks of the MES (2005), thanks of the MES, NASU, and National Academy of Sciences of the Academy of Sciences (2013), with an honorary diploma of the NUBiP of Ukraine (2006, 2017).
She worked at the biological faculty of KSU named after T.G. Shevchenko in the problematic laboratory. In 1978, she moved to the Ukrainian Institute of Agriculture in the laboratory of genetics and selection of fodder crops. Worked as a junior researcher, since January 1985 - as a senior researcher. On February 23, 1988, at the Plant Research Institute named after Yuryeva (Kharkov) defended her thesis. She received the scientific title of senior researcher in 1992.
She began teaching at NAU in 1995-1998. (part-time), on a permanent basis - since 2001.
Scientific activity is related to the study of alfalfa autogamy, the possibility of its application to create varieties with high seed productivity in conditions of insufficient number of pollinating insects.



Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Zinchenko Olesya Anatolyivna

Phone: (044) 527-83-26

Higher education: 2009 - graduated from the Podilsk State Agrarian and Technical University, majoring in "Agronomy", received the qualification of agronomist-researcher.
Topic of the candidate thesis: "Source material for the selection of sugar beets with elements of apozygosity".
Disciplines for which he is responsible for teaching: "Selection of bioenergy crops", "Variety certification", "Plant genetic resources", "Special selection of agricultural crops".
Field of scientific interests: creation of source material for the selection of sugar beets with elements of apozygosity, development of methods of induction and stabilization of tetraploid multi-seeded pollinators using cytological and cytometric methods, creation of new plasmotypes on the background of sterile cytoplasm of the wild form of beets Veta maritima L and wild species Veta patula L.
He has been working at the department since 2019. Scientific secretary of the Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet of the National Academy of Sciences.
Currently, he is the responsible executor of research works: "Study of the influence of the genetic potential of sterile cytoplasm of wild species of the genus Beta L on the expression of nuclear genes of sugar beets for the creation of models of new hybrids and enrichment of the adaptation potential of the culture", RK 0121U107749, as well as "Development of induction technology gametophytic, reduced parthenogenesis in the apozygotic method of seed reproduction and obtaining homozygous segregating lines for hybrid selection of sugar beets" RK 0121U107917 from the scientific research program of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine 27 "Sugar beets and other niche crops"
Since 2015, head of the sector of planning and coordination of scientific research programs, scientific organization and coordination department of the Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet.
He is the author of 21 scientific works. Co-author of 5 utility model patents.



Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Dmytrenko Yuliya Mykhailivna

Phone: (044) 527-83-26

E-mail: [email protected]

Higher education: (Master's degree with honors) specialty "Breeding and genetics of agricultural crops", qualification "researcher in breeding and genetics of agricultural crops", National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine, 2011.
The topic of the candidate's thesis: "Selection and genetic value of sources of resistance against the causative agent of brown rust of winter wheat".
Disciplines for which he is responsible for teaching: "Selection and seed production of field crops", "Genetics".
Field of scientific interests:
- problems of genetics, selection and seed production of agricultural crops and the use of achievements in these areas to solve practical problems;
- creation of source material and original genotypes adapted to environmental changes;
- study of the mechanisms of inheritance of the trait of resistance against the causative agent of brown rust of soft winter wheat and selection of donors of traits (with effective genes and combinations of resistance genes) for plant breeding.

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Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, senior lecturer
Tkachyk Svitlana Oleksandrivna

Phone: (044) 527-83-26

Higher education: In 1997, she graduated from the National Agrarian University with a specialty in agrochemistry and soil science, obtained the qualification of a specialist in agronomist (diploma with honors KM901635);
In 2010, she received a second higher education at the Institute of Intellectual Property of the Odessa National Law Academy in Kyiv, majoring in "Intellectual Property", having qualified as a professional in intellectual property
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences since 2004. The dissertation was defended on October 28, 2003 at the meeting of the Specialized Academic Council D 27.361.01 at the Institute of Agriculture of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, received a diploma of the DK No. 022132 (decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine dated February 11, 2004)
The topic of the candidate's thesis: "Research of soybean varieties (Glycine max. Merrill (L) for examination of varieties for distinction, uniformity and stability."
Disciplines for which he is responsible for teaching: "State qualification examination with the basics of intellectual property", "Formation of varietal resources".
Field of scientific interests:
- qualification examination of plant varieties to determine indicators of suitability of varieties for distribution in Ukraine and criteria of distinction, homogeneity and stability;
- participation in the development of methods for qualification examination for distinction, homogeneity, stability, examination for suitability for distribution of varieties in Ukraine; field (soil) and laboratory varietal control; organization of the work of the UIESR Methodological Commission,
- conducts research on the European and world practice of regulation and state regulation of the legislative basis for the formation of varietal plant resources of the state, participates in the preparation of domestic legislative and regulatory acts. 



Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, senior lecturer
Zaika Evgeny Viktorovych


Higher education: master's degree in "Breeding and genetics of agricultural crops", qualification "researcher in breeding and genetics of agricultural crops", National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine, 2010.
The topic of the candidate's thesis: "Assessment of polymorphism of common wheat varieties with the aim of creating new genotypes."
Disciplines for which he is responsible for teaching: "Genetics", "Special selection of agricultural crops", DNA technologies in selection and seed production.
Field of scientific interests: Selective improvement of agricultural crops using modern methods of molecular genetic analysis, ecological and genetic aspects of plant selection. He has been working at the department since 2019.
Awarded the Prize of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for the most talented young scientist in the field of fundamental and applied research and scientific and technical development in 2017 for co-authorship in the cycle of scientific works "Elucidation of molecular genetic bases of resistance of wheat and barley to the most harmful pathogens".
Co-author of 7 varieties of winter wheat, 3 varieties of flax, a variety of winter rapeseed and a variety of edible buckwheat.
Author of more than 50 publications on selection and genetics of rural areas. cultures The Hirsch index is 2.
2013 – winner of the competition for the best report of a young scientist of the National Academy of Sciences.
2017 - laureate of the State Prize of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for the most talented young scientist in the field of fundamental and applied research and scientific and technical development.
Since 2018, he has been the head of the flax and rapeseed selection and seed production department of the Institute of Agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
He has been working at the department since 2019. Field of research: ecological and genetic aspects of rapeseed breeding and other agricultural crops. cultures Author of more than 20 scientific publications.
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Spryazhka Roman Olehovych

Phone: (044) 527-83-26

E-mail: [email protected]

Higher education: in 2018, he graduated from NUBiP of Ukraine and received a master's degree in specialty 201 "Agronomy", educational and scientific program "Breeding and genetics of agricultural crops", qualification "Agronomist-researcher".
The topic of the candidate's thesis: "Selection of raw material for the creation of corn hybrids according to the main biochemical parameters"
Disciplines for which he is responsible for teaching: "Selection and seed production of field crops", "Seed production of agricultural crops", "Market of varieties and seeds".
Field of scientific interests: research on the problems of increasing the quality indicators of grain crops, identifying sources of improving the biochemical composition of grain. Creation of raw material of corn with high combining ability according to a set of quality indicators and productivity.



Havryliuk Iryna Valentynivna

Phone: (044) 527-83-26

E-mail: [email protected]

Higher education: in 2020 she graduated from NUBiP of Ukraine and received a master's degree in specialty 201 "Agronomy", educational and scientific program "Breeding and genetics of agricultural crops", qualification "Agronomist-researcher".
The topic of the candidate or doctoral thesis: Identification and creation of genetic material of common wheat with increased adaptive capacity in the conditions of climate change
Disciplines for which he is responsible for teaching: "Selection with the basics of genetics", "Genetics"
Field of scientific interests: identification and creation of genetic material of common wheat with increased adaptive capacity in conditions of climate change.

In 2020, she graduated from the National University of Life and Envirinmental Science of Ukraine. He has been working at the department since 2021. 

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Head of the laboratory
Aslanyan Arevik Gulverivna

Phone: (044) 527-83-26

Higher education: in 2014 she graduated from NUBiP of Ukraine and received a master's degree in specialty 8.09010104 - "Fruit growing and viticulture".


Senior laboratory assistant
Lyashuk Olga Evgeniivna

Phone: (044) 527-83-26

Higher education: Taras Shevchenko Kyiv University, Department of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering, specialty Biology (Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering).
Since 2018, she has been working at the department as a senior laboratory assistant. 
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