Department staff

PhD, associated professor
Olga M. Yakubchak

Phone: (044) 527-88-41

E-mail: [email protected]

Field of research: criteria for assessing the quality and safety of milk, meat, fish, eggs and honey. Author of over 400 scientific and methodological works.


Doctor of Veterinary Science, Professor
Svitlana A.Tkachuk

Phone: (044) 527-88-41

E-mail: [email protected]

Field of research: veterinary and sanitary examination of products of slaughter poultry and eggs. Patterns of morphogenesis bones of domestic animals. Author of over 200 scientific and methodological works.


PhD, associated professor
Anatolii I. Tiyutyun

Phone: (044) 527-88-41

E-mail: [email protected]

Field of research: veterinary and sanitary examination of fish. Author of over 250 scientific and methodological works.


PhD, associated professor
Tetiana V. Taran

Phone: (044) 527-86-18

E-mail: [email protected]

Field of research: veterinary-sanitary inspection of meat and food processing. Author of over 170 scientific and methodological works.


PhD, associated professor
Maria A. Galaburda

Phone: (044) 527-88-41

E-mail: [email protected]

Field of research: analysis of hazards in the production of animal products. The author of over 80 scientific and methodological works.


PhD, associated professor
Antonina I. Kobish

Phone: (044) 527-88-41

E-mail: [email protected]

Field of research: veterinary and sanitary examination of milk and dairy products. Author of over 100 scientific and methodological works.


PhD, associated professor
Lidia V. Adamenko

Phone: (044) 527-88-41

E-mail: [email protected]

Field of research: veterinary and sanitary examination of milk in the presence of residual amounts of certain disinfectants. The author of over 80 scientific and methodological works.








Senior laboratory
Olesia P. Miroshnychenko

Phone: (044) 527-88-41


Laboratory assistant
Olena Iu. Lapa

Phone: (044) 527-88-41


I category engineer
Iaroslava A. Postoy



I category engineer
Liudmyla V. Tkachyk

Phone: (044) 527-88-41

E-mail: [email protected]





PhD student
Ganna V. Konovalova

Phone: (044) 527-88-41

Field of research: Safety and quality homogenised honey. Author of more than 5 articles.


Svitlana A.Tkachuk



Tetiana V. Taran



Maria A. Galaburda



Maria A. Galaburda


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