Department staff

Head of Department, PhD, Associate Professor
Vadym D. Ischenko

Phone: 096-577-91-66; 099-521-62-21

E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Field of research: diagnosis, treatment and prevention mycotoxicoses of animals; develop a system of quality control for livestock safety parameters (toxicants), the organization of science and education.

Author of over 160 scientific and methodological works.

ORCID: http:// 0000-0002-8837-022X
Researchgate profile:


Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor
Volodymyr B. Dukhnytsky

Phone: (044) 527-80-29

E-mail: [email protected]

Field of research: toxicology nitrate mycotoxicoses animal research and education organization.

Author of over 250 scientific and methodological works.



Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor
Mykhailo P. Prus


E-mail: [email protected]

Field of research: Babesiosis of animals. Author of over 200 scientific and educational works. 


Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor
Natalia M. Soroka

Phone: (044) 527-87-86, 527-87-85

E-mail: [email protected]

Awarded labor distinction "Honor" diplomas Chairman of the Committee for Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine and rector NUBiP Ukraine. Field of research: akarozy and entomozy animals Setariosis cattle, toxoplasmosis animals.

Author of over 400 scientific and educational works.




PhD, Associate Professor
Grygorii V. Boiko

Phone: (044) 527-80-29

E-mail: [email protected]

Field of research: diagnosis, treatment and prevention mycotoxicoses animals; develop a system of quality control for livestock safety parameters (toxicants), the organization of science and education. Author of 150 scientific and methodological works.




PhD, associate professor, Coordinator of International Programs of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Maryna V. Galat

Phone: +38 067 978 92 90

E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Field of research interests: diseases that spread between different animal species (cattle, small cattle, pigs, horses, dogs, cats etc.) and humans (zoonoses) as toxoplasmosis, dirofilariasis, Lyme disease and other vector borne diseases, trichinellosis and others, their prevalence, identification and investigation of agent/agents, testing of different diagnostic methods/kits and development of treatment and prevention.
2019 year publications: 
1) Galat M., Must K., Rissanen K., Jokelainen P. Comparison of a commercial modified direct agglutination test and a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii in naturally exposed domestic cats. Parasitology Research. (2019)

2) Rissanen K., Galat M., Kovalenko G., Rodnina O., Mikharovskyi G., Must K., Jokelainen P. Toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence in horses from Ukraine: an investigation using two serological methods. Acta Parasit. (2019). 



PhD, Associate Professor
Olena K. Galchinska

Phone: (044) 527-80-29

E-mail: [email protected]

Field of research: toxicology of plants. Author of 25 scientific and methodological works.


PhD, Associate Professor
Irina M. Derkach

Phone: (044) 527-80-29

E-mail: [email protected]

Field of research: monitoring and analysis of biological risks to ensure the safe production of animal products, pharmacoeconomics-toxicological properties of the Iron(IV).

Author of over 80 scientific and methodological works.



PhD, Associate Professor
Yulia V. Palyca

Phone: (044) 527-80-29

E-mail: [email protected]

Field of research: Pharmaceutical chemistry. Author of 30 scientific and methodological works.



Associate Professor, PhD
Iryna Yu. Pashkevych


E-mail: [email protected]

Field of research: diagnostic and treatment of parasite and cancer diseases of dogs, cats, exotic and wild animals.

Author and co-author of 48 scientific publications: 9 monographs, 12 metodological reccomendations, typical programme for Masters's students "Global Parasitology". 


Senior laboratory
Lyubov S. Miroshnichenko

Phone: (044) 527-80-29


Associate Professor, PhD
Olena V. Semenko


Field of research: babesiosis of dogs.Author and co-author of over 65 scientific publications. 


Associate Professor, PhD
Raisa O. Slobodian


E-mail: [email protected]

Field of research: diagnostic and treatment parasite diseases, coccidiosis of animals, exotic and zoo animals diseases, new technology for prophylaxys animal health.

Author and co-author of 55 scientific publications, and typical programme for Masters's students "Wild and Exotic Animal Diseases". 


Head of Scientific Laboratory
Inna A. Beregovets


E-mail: [email protected]

Field of research: acarosis of animals including rabbits and fur animals. Author and co-author of 12 scientific works, including 2 guidelines. 


Senior Laboratory
Anna G. Ovchinnikova


E-mail: [email protected]

Veterinary Medicine Doctor (2014) and Master degree (2015). 


Laboratory assistant
Tetjana V. Bogoslovska

Phone: (044) 527-80-29




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