Events calendar
11.07.2016 – 17.07.2016
The NULES of Ukraine enters the top ten of the higher educational universities by «Top-200 Ukraine» ranking!
July 11, 2016
By Top-200 Ukraine, Ukrainian universities have been assessed based on the training quality indicator. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine enters the top ten of the higher educational universities. →
Young researchers from our University are Cabinet Ministers of Ukraine’s academic grant holders
July 12, 2016
By ordinance # 454-р of Cabinet Ministers of Ukraine of June 24, 2016, young researchers Omelian Alina Mykolaivna, postgraduate student of the department of animal nutrition and feed technologies after P.D. →
The NULES of Ukraine is expanding its international cooperation in France
July 12, 2016
The diversification of ways to develop science and education demands a profound work on international cooperation between specific universities especially European ones. →
Ministry of Education of Ukraine licensed specialty «International relations» at Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy
July 13, 2016
Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy has been working at expanding its educational services to meet the needs of the state’s economics and demands of the labour market. →
The researcher of Faculty of Agrarian Management presented Doctrine of accelerated economic growth of Ukraine in 2017-2027
July 15, 2016
Lydia Shynkaruk, head of the department of industrial and investment management, doctor of economic sciences, professor, corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine, took part in the meeting of experts at Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Berlin and on behalf of Ukraine’s delegation presented key elements of the doctrine of accelerated e →
The NULES of Ukraine enters the top ten of the higher educational universities by «Top-200 Ukraine» ranking!
July 15, 2016
By Top-200 Ukraine, Ukrainian universities have been assessed based on the training quality indicator. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine enters the top ten of the higher educational universities. →