Young researchers from our University are Cabinet Ministers of Ukraine’s academic grant holders

July 12, 2016

     By ordinance # 454-р of Cabinet Ministers of Ukraine of June 24, 2016, young researchers Omelian Alina Mykolaivna, postgraduate student of the department of animal nutrition and feed technologies after P.D. Pshenychnyi of faculty of livestock raising and water bioresources and Rozhko Oksana Valentynivna, postgraduate student of the department of geodesy and cartography of land management faculty are granted Cabinet Ministry’s academic scholarship for students of higher educational establishments for the second semester 2015/2016 and for postgraduate students for 2016/2017 academic year for outstanding achievements in studies and research work. 

     We congratulate young researchers on receiving scholarships and wish them good creative luck!

Volodymyr Otchenashko,
head of the Scientific and Research Department 

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