The NULES of Ukraine is expanding its international cooperation in France

July 12, 2016

     The diversification of ways to develop science and education demands a profound work on international cooperation between specific universities especially European ones. Oksana Riabchenko, director of education and scientific center for international activity, professor Francis Bismans, director of the department of economics and econometric studies of University of Lorraine, Nancy and a world leading specialist in cliometrics, professor Claude Diebolt, director of the center for economic studies of University of Strasbourg discussed potential possibilities of cooperation and developing mutual research projects in economic studies.  

    University of Lorraine is the major economic university in northern France which became the university of the whole region and united four universities in 1993 ( 

    The meeting with Natalie Fick, director of International Office resulted in arranging a settlement on academic mobility between universities.

Vadym Tkachuk 

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