The International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering “A Global Association of ABE Professional Societies”

23 серпня 2021 року
м. Київ НУБіП України



The International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
“A Global Association of ABE Professional Societies”
Dear CIGR Member,

The National Academy of Engineering, with help from me and other ASABE members, has organized its very first event focusing on Food and Agricultural Systems. 

On behalf of the NAE’s Forum on Complex Unifiable Systems (FOCUS) program, I’m pleased to invite you to attend the NAE FOCUS Complex Food and Agricultural Systems: Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience, a virtual forum, on Thursday, September 9, 2021, from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm Eastern USA time zone.
The world’s food and agricultural systems are truly impressive. The complex networks from production to consumers use advanced technologies to supply safe and affordable food. Now it must prepare for a changing climate and other challenges to sustainably meet future needs of growing populations with limited natural resources.
This forum will review characteristics and challenges of existing systems and the need for various engineering disciplines to converge to lead the transformation of current mostly linear food and agriculture into circular and resilient systems. The forum will also explore needed progress and investment in education, R&D, modeling and analytics, public-private collaboration, and other dimensions. Specific goals are to:
  1. Inspire diverse engineering disciplines to converge and lead the needed transformations of food and agricultural systems
  2. Explore ways to analyze trade-offs for the transformed systems and develop standards
  3. Identify needed investments for transitioning from linear to unified circular food and agricultural systems
An agenda and registration link for the event are available here.
We look forward to seeing you virtually on September 9.
Ivan Rogovskii


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