DAAD German-Ukrainian Autumn School 2021 invite you to free education.

6 серпня 2021 року
Kiev - Kharkov

Friends, if you are interested in new developments related to the use of nanotechnology and artificial intelligence in biomedical research, we invite you to read the information.


The school is dedicated to topical issues of nanotechnology and artificial intelligence as an interdisciplinary basis for the development of nanomedicine and aims to attract German and Ukrainian scientists to work together and share experiences under the slogan «Science today is medicine for tomorrow».


Topic: Lessons in Biomedicine Learnt from Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence.

For whom: masters, graduate students, young researchers with experience in life sciences or computer science.

Application deadline (on the DAAD school website): August 15, 2021.

Start of training: Kharkiv September 27 - October 1, Kyiv October 4 - 8, joint online day on October 2.

Organizer: Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau (Technische Hochschule Wildau).



The school's research program, list of invited speakers and details can be found on the website.


Participation of students and young scientists is free and partially open to the general scientific audience. The first week will take place in Kharkiv in cooperation with the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, and the second - in Kyiv at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.


The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the largest German support organization in the field of international academic cooperation. DAAD's most important functional responsibilities include providing scholarships, promoting the internationalization of German universities and research organizations, strengthening German cultural and linguistic research abroad, and assisting developing countries to establish productive higher education institutions.


The information is taken from the website of the German-Ukrainian school DAAD.



Batrak Natalia, senior assistant

To Applicants (синій)Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)

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